Well, I would not consider myself to be an expert. When I do play praise songs I usually play songs that can transition without effort. The best pattern is to learn the voices of your praise team and play each song as they flow.
Not every praise song blend together. So, first you have to see what praise songs work great together without loosing the value in the flow of music.
The main thing is flow in the spirit because God is a spirit and must be worship in spirit and truth. So, don't focus on what you can't do, just focus on what you know and God will do the rest. I could technique to use is inverting chords. Simple play the chords backward...
Here are some example in the key of Eb
I love you, I love you, I love you Lord today... Because you care for me
Eb Bb Eb G
F C Eb Ab
Bb Ab C Eb F
See how many praise songs you can play with just the 3 chords above. I'll give you more later...
got to run