Of all the courses that you mentioned, Ethel C. Austin has the best overall by a good margin in my opinion. You have to bring something to the table, though, to make it work. An adequate level of reading ability is a must in my opinion. Transpose everything to at least several of your favorite keys.
If you learn everything that she presents in several keys, you will be off to a great start. I would concentrate on that course until I did. A person could use that knowledge to provide music for a(traditional) church service right away. (Be aware that it will take some time to learn the material thoroughly)
Then I would go to Jermaine and Jamal.(Jamal for contemporary) Personally, I don't like wheatworks at all.
Kurt Cowling's book is good, but difficult for beginners. It is about concepts and does not translate as directly into actual playable full songs as does Austin's course.
let me just say this 0n kurt cowlings book
true as you said it may be a little difficult for beginners
but as far as directly translating to actual playable osngs
I have to disagree at least on principle
because you are ocmparing a book to a video course
like apples and oranges they are so different
the book unlike the video has so many more examples
and true he didnt put every technique to a song
but if you check out the discography in the back you will see
that all of the examples in the book came from a song on that list
so in reality he gave you cheat notes on many many many songs
not to mention the songs at the back that combine the concepts
this is one of those things where you need to learn those songs in every key and if you do you will be on another level
that being said let me address the rest of this great post
wow I didnt know there was another Ethel caffie Austin Fan out there
you are right her Dvd was the truth fo sho
Everything from the break down
to the final examples
correct again on the being able to play a service
truth be told I used her two dvds to allow me to play church services for quite some time
I didnt learn her stuff in every key
maybe I should have
also I must agree I havent seen any product that really delivered the essence of church playing like hers did
However I must also say that when I would play her style many other musicians were un interested and I couldnt get out of that darn stride style
everything I played sounded like that
so You have to be careful
I was at the point where every hymn I tried to stride on it.
of course I am sad that you dont like the wheatworks products
I guess different folks for different folks
they may be better if there was some sheet music accompanying them
I think he does have some chords spelled out on the midi files
But I would like some of these producers to start to print some real sheet music for the musicians who have taken the time to learn how to read even if only a little
I would rather look at note values etc
to sharpen my game
I think I am going to go back and get the austin collection again
because I watched those videos (they were only on videos when I got them )
back in 2001
so it is time to go back and get some of those advanced licks and like you said learn them in every key.