I was able to grasp and apply a few of the things in this thread, but there were a lot of things that were just to far above my head.
I'm going to review this stuff again when I get home today.
My church and a church we fellowship with went to Baltimore for a convention and heard this RIDICULOUS Organist/Keyboard player. I've only been playing for a few years, but another musician who went with us has been playing for about 12 years and he's pretty beastly himself. After the convention we all gathered at the church and the Organist was showing us some stuff that had us histerical laughing. Stuff that's so advanced that we kept asking him things like "Dude, how did you come up with that?"
We took what we could (the other guy grasped more than I did), but a lot of it was just too big for us.
Seeing that level of skill makes me want to practice harder.