Yeah I want to pursue a church music degree I just don't want the stuffy white methodist (no offence)classes. Anyone know of such a college with an upbeat sanctified aPproach to church music. I'm also majoring in pre-med so I have to satisfy those pre-reqs also.
Man, I think this is going to be very difficult to find

Your best bet so far is to buy all the dvds like the Wheatworks, GK, Cassandra stuff etc..

But I think your focus should be on having an understanding of music. Once you have an understanding, it will be easy for you to adapt to the style you like with some lil effort

For instance, most musicians will play raggae music although they were taught the tradional gospel style.
Music is universal--applies the same scales. Just a matter of you dancing to the beat for the differentiation

BTW, I'm not a music major..might do it in my late senior years