Hey LGM fam, ya boy is on a quest to take my music to the next level. I haven't been chording songs much because of school and other engagements. However, summer break is coming and I will have some more free time. I'm still working out the details, but here's a pre-thought of what I want to do:
"During the months of June and July (summer break, lol), I will chord out any song that you want. Of course, since this is LEARN gospel music, there's gonna be a learning component. In order to take advantage of this, there are some criteria to meet: 1 (maybe 2, lol) request(s) per person sent via pm, must show that you've attempted the song, post a decent video or audio clip. If any of those aren't met, this offer is invalid. If you take advantage of this offer, I will do my best to have the song ready for you the same day u send me the request.
The learning component is I will learn the song and send it back to you in chord symbol format. It will be your job to decode the chord symbols, then send it back to me. I will compare your chorded version with the chords I hear, send it back to you, then post in the Chords Request forum for everyone."
I'm still working the details, but it's gonna be something close to that. If anyone has any suggestions or comments, feel free to chime in. I want to get to the next level of music, but I also want to be a blessing to my fellow LGMers and take yall with me. More details to come later!