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Author Topic: gospel music test 100 questions  (Read 10084 times)

Offline diverse379

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gospel music test 100 questions
« on: July 15, 2008, 10:07:18 AM »
this test will test your knowledge of theory application
ministerial protocol
and knowledge acquisition

each section will test you on basic knowledge more advanced knowledge practice procedures and
knowledge acquisition

theory  the following questions will test your knowledge of basic to advanced theory
part one scale theory

1) How many notes are in a major scale?

2) construct a major scale in the following keys
D major
Eb major
A major
Ab Major

3)  construct a pentatonic scale on the same keys

4) Construct a blues scale on the keys of E and B

5)  construct a whole tone scale on any of the above keys

6) construct a diminsished scale on the keys of Db and F

 7) what scale would best be used on a major7 chord

 what scale would best be used on a augmented chord

9) how do you construct a Eb dorian scale

10 how do you construct a Ab mixolydian scale

11) to improvise for a jazz sound which note would you alter in a major scale

12) using the same concept what would be a second note you could alter to give you a jazz sound

13)  to improvise for a traditional gospel sound what two notes would you remove from the major scale

14) name three genres  of songs or styes or or parts of the service where you may use the blues scale

true or false

15 The major scale is the best scale for a devotional song such as cant nobody do me like jesus  T  F

16 The Blues scale is best suited for a song such as Holy Holy Holy if played the way the song is written

17 The the pentatonic scale sounds great when played in octaves  true or false

18 scales should be always be  played quickly in order to develop speed and accuracy

19 It is not important what fingers you use to play a scale as long as it sounds even.

20 playing scales Legato  mean you play them choppy

21 when you lift your fingers high when you play scales you develop strength and accuracy

22 when you keep your fingers in contact with the keys you develop a legato touch,

multiple choice

23 why are scales important
a) they form the building blocks of chords
B) they make your fingers agile
C) they make it easier to learn how to play melodies
D they allow you to play by ear
E) all of the above

24 what scale is the best for a up tempo shout
a) major scale
B)phrygian mode
C) ionian scale
D) blues scale

25 what is the best scale to be played over an altered chord
A) major scale
B) melodic minor
C)melodic minor a half step up
D)melodic minor a half step down

26 you should practice scales
A) every session you practice
B) once a week
C) every other day
D)only if you want to solo

chordal theory
the following section will test your knowledge of chords

27 what is the difference between a major and a minor chord what notes are different

28 create a diminished triad on the notes of D and A

29 create an augmented chord on the notes of C and Eb

30 write a c major triad in all three inversions

31-34 form the following chords in the keys F and Db

major 7
minor 7
dimished 7
major minor 7

true false
35) a closed chord means that only a few scales work with it

36) a major 9th chord contains a 2nd scale degree

37) A Dminor  triad with a G is called a minor 11th

38) A C major triad with F instead of an E is called suspended,triad

fill in
 39) A chord where the notes of the chord are spread out so that you could put other scale tones between them  is called an _______________________ chord

40) A chord that contains  two distinct chords such as a cmajor and Dmajor is called a _____________ chord

multiple choice

41) which words are used to describe  the notes that creae 9ths 13ths and 11ths
a) ornaments
C) both
D) neither

42) if you follow the circle of fifths
which notes lie on either side of the D
a) A and B

b) E and C

c) A and G

D) none of the above

true or false

43) dominant chords sound like they want to go somewhere   

44) the major chord has the most alteration possibilities

45) the dominant chord has the most alteration possibilites

46) the minor chord has the most alteration possibilities

47) traditionally when you end a song
the chord that comes before the last chord should be
a minor chord

the following questions will test your knowledge of progressions substitutions and some song applications
if you have made it this far you are probably on an intermediate to an advanced level of theory
if this part is too difficult skip this section and go to the ministry section

48) the number system is a system allows musicians to communicate scales and progressions

if we are in the key of C

what number would A be

for the following questions you should write the labeled chord names ie
Gmaj7 or cmin9 etc

49) form a 2 5 1 progression in the key of Eb

50) write a 7 3 6 progression in the key of Bb

51) write an 3 6 2 5 1 in the key of C

true or false
52) in most hymns and devotional songs the song either goes to the four or the five
53) the five can be preceeded by a dominant a half step above

54)  the five can be preceeded by a dominant a whole step below)

55) a five chord can be preceeded by a dominant a fourth below

56) any chord can be preceeded by a major 7th chord above

57) a tritone are two notes three steps away

58) tritones can be used in conjunction with a chord  or in place of a chord

 59)when we say tritone substitution we mean we switch one tritone for another

multiple choice
60 in a 2 5 1 progression
the two is normally
a) major
b) minor
c) dominant
d) augmented

61) to serve the same purpose and to be used interchangebly what other progression might you use

a) 3-6-1

b)  4 5 1

c) 2 b2 1

D) A and B

E) B and C
the following questions will test your knowledge of instruments

62) name at least 5 ways that an organ is different from a piano

63) name three ways a keyboard is different from an organ

64) name 2 ways a pipe organ is different from a hammond

65) how many possible combinations of sounds are there on a hammond organ
A) less than a hundred

B) more  than a thousand

C) less than a thousand

D) less than a million

E) more than 2 million

66) the hammond is traditionally played with 2 feet

fill in
the ______________ is usally called the king of instruments

67)  the ___________________ is the glue between the rhythm  and the harmony

68) name three four instruments that are responsible for the harmony in a typical church band

69) in what way does the bass guitar control the harmony and how does the regular guitar affect the harmony

true or false
70) in a band everyone should try to out play each other in order to get everyone to play their best

71) you can put a bass through a guitar amp with now problems

72) you can put a bass through a keyboard amp with no problems

72) you can never put a keyboard through a bass amp

73) you should play lower than everyone

74) you should look for holes in the music to poke through and stand out

75)  when playing piano solo you rhythm less important than harmony

practice procedures
practicing is a necessary component to your development the following questions will test your understanding of practicing.

76) name two devices used to help you practice keeping in time

77) name four ways you can or should practice chords

78) what is a drill and why are they important

79) if you are learning a song from a record
what are the two things you should learn first
a) melody
b) bass line
C) chords
 pick two

80) if you are learning how to play a song from the written page
you should
a) never take your eye off the page
b)look ahead
C) try to see patterns instead of reading each note
D) all of the above
E)none of the above

81) what are some compelling arguments for playing by ear

82 what are some compelling arguments for playing by reading

choir training
fill in with the following words
always sometimes never doesent matter

83) you should _______________ warm up your choir before practice

84) the parts the choir sing _________________ come from the chords played on the key board or organ

true false
85) the words are just as important as the notes when teaching a song

86) The average usable range to sing vocally is one octave

Ministry application

this last part will test your ability to funtion in a ministry

87) what is the difference between a worship song and a praise song

88) what is the difference between a devotional service and a worship and praise segment

89) when a preacher is talking  or there is a transition in the service you should
a) play a song
b) play some lively music
C) play something slow
D) play something light

90) when a person is praying you should
A) play a worshipful song
B) play songs that speak to what the person is playing
C)dont play at all
D) consult your pastor on all questions concerning what and when to play

91) when a preacher is hooping you should
a) play the same chords you would play in a shout
b) you should play along with every word
C) you should play after he stops for a breath
D)it depends on the preacher

true or false
92) music prepares the hearts of the people for the message

93) David played a spirit away from saul

94)  theology is contained in 90% percent of our hymns

95) the bible says that with holy spirit we dont need teachers

96) a musician should conduct himself to the same standard as a preacher

97) A workman is not worthy of his hire

97) not just your gifts will make room for you

98)  praise is a sacrifice

99) a musician shouldnt have to align him or herself to the vision of the pastor

100) Lgm contains all the anwers to all the questions on this test
To be or not to be that is the question you anwer when you pray practice and read your word

Offline T-Block

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2008, 05:15:59 PM »
This is a great test.  Time to grab my #2 pencil(s) and get started.  :D
Real musicians play in every key!!!
Music Theory, da numbers work!

Offline chevonee

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2008, 06:57:30 PM »
Oh yes I agree T-block this is a great test!!!! Gotta go break out my nemba (int) two pencil
Strike while the iron is hot!

Offline rayjohnson83

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2008, 07:09:46 PM »
I think I will take a shot at the test also

Offline betnich

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2008, 07:28:06 PM »
Anyway you can make this test interactive? (Like a website or a poll on LGM)


Offline kodacolor

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2008, 07:54:26 PM »
Prof Diverse379,


I regret to inform you that I will not be able to make it to class for today's test.  I've come down with a horrible cold.  It started late last night after I came home from work.  I would have emailed you then but I thought that maybe I'd feel better in the morning.  Will I be able to do a make up test?

Thank you for your time,


Offline kodacolor

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2008, 07:54:59 PM »
....darn typos....darn no-green-stars.  :(

Offline diverse379

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2008, 10:30:00 PM »
I feel you kodacolor and anyone else who feels like this test is a lot

I didnt expect to write this much

But God wants you all to know that you have a great charge
and I want to encourage you that you dont need to know everything

but it is important to know what you need to know and to know what you do know so you can grow

so everyone be encouraged

the test is broken down into small sections

so take a section and see how you answer that

it wasnt designed to hinder you

but maybe humble a little
because through humility comes exaltation

thats biblical

To be or not to be that is the question you anwer when you pray practice and read your word

Offline Ladyn

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2008, 11:03:15 PM »
I printed this test out this morning, and I am working through it right now.  Boy this is an exam! I like a challenge.


Offline kodacolor

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2008, 11:51:25 AM »
I feel you kodacolor and anyone else who feels like this test is a lot

I didnt expect to write this much

But God wants you all to know that you have a great charge
and I want to encourage you that you dont need to know everything

but it is important to know what you need to know and to know what you do know so you can grow

so everyone be encouraged

the test is broken down into small sections

so take a section and see how you answer that

it wasnt designed to hinder you

but maybe humble a little
because through humility comes exaltation

thats biblical

I know.  I was just being extra.  I can't take this test right now because I just play.  I don't know the theory behind it.  I just got the basic basic number system yesterday.

Offline AOHMusician

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2008, 06:54:46 AM »
I can't take this test right now because I just play.  I don't know the theory behind it.

I am totally in the same place you are, however if I could get a little tyme to study i'll be back with a and attacking this test with a vengence.........lol...................

Offline kodacolor

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2008, 06:02:14 PM »
I am totally in the same place you are, however if I could get a little tyme to study i'll be back with a and attacking this test with a vengence.........lol...................


Offline Rshay

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2008, 06:36:11 PM »
Where do you put the answers?   Whew and that is some test! I don' really know if I could even get past the 5th question.  ?/?

Offline diverse379

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2008, 10:28:06 AM »
Where do you put the answers?   Whew and that is some test! I don' really know if I could even get past the 5th question.  ?/?

just do the test on a separate piece of paper and check your anwers against the answer key which you will have to pm me for
To be or not to be that is the question you anwer when you pray practice and read your word

Offline jgause2

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2008, 10:04:19 AM »
I think I'm going to use this for myself, and my piano students.  Thank You so much.
The only place where "success" comes before "work" is in the dictionary

Offline diverse379

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2008, 11:18:19 AM »
Where do you put the answers?   Whew and that is some test! I don' really know if I could even get past the 5th question.  ?/?
I posted the answers on one of the boards

Hopefully the answer key will be housed somewhere permanently
if you do a search for answer key or gospel music test 100 questions you should be able to find the answer key
To be or not to be that is the question you anwer when you pray practice and read your word


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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2012, 10:45:18 AM »

Offline csedwards2

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2012, 10:54:12 AM »
wow, and it wasnt even Phbrown


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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2012, 01:35:59 PM »

Offline phbrown

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Re: gospel music test 100 questions
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2012, 01:39:20 AM »
wow, and it wasnt even Phbrown


if the glove does not fit you must acquit!

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