I have that DVD. Ethel teaches several good songs on the video, and gives you some licks as well. You have to be able to read some to use it well though. She gives one excellent intro that can be learned in every key and used very well. She gives several licks that can be used in the same manner. She has one lesson that will fit several songs that is very good. I say again (in my case)you have to be able to read some, and be willing to put in study on what she offers. She demonstrates what she is doing on the video, but you better be sharp.
You will learn these songs:
Amazing Grace
Yes, Lord
Can't nobody do me like Jesus/Jesus is on the main line/ Show me the way.(all the same beat)
Study war no more
He's got the whole world in his hands
Blessed assurance
When the saints go marching in
Standing in the need of prayer
What a friend we have in Jesus
Angels keep watching over me
You will learn an easy version and then a full version and a very full version of each song. I am satisfied that the course is worth the money, and it is really worth the money if one studies with a determination to learn whats offered, and transposes the licks and runs to the other keys that are often used.