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(Poll) Should the Choir have some say in the hiring of there M.O.M?

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Author Topic: (Poll) Should the Choir have some say in the hiring of there M.O.M?  (Read 14874 times)

Offline mrspanish

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Re: (Poll) Should the Choir have some say in the hiring of there M.O.M?
« Reply #40 on: June 21, 2008, 06:43:58 PM »
True Dat. ....................................... .... ;D

Offline cas10a

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Re: (Poll) Should the Choir have some say in the hiring of there M.O.M?
« Reply #41 on: June 23, 2008, 10:01:22 AM »

I was a member at a church recently, I still love them to death!!  They just made some bad decisions.  Anyway, they hired a MOM to take over the music dept. and build it.  From they first day that he got there everyone dissaproved of him being there.  They really didn't like him.  He stayed a while, held concerts and musicals, meanwhile the music dept. was shrinking and everyone was loosing interest.  That's what happened everyone lost interest, stopped  coming to rehearsals, etc.  They let him go.  About 4 months later they put someone else in his place to just take over the praise team.  Same occurence.  Everything fell apart and we all split up.  I said all of that to say this.  The church is a body, one, whole. 

Trell ;D

I was just wondering...

...Why did everyone dissaprove of the new M.O.M. from day one?...Did everyone know him/her already, or just didn't like him/her because they were'nt involved in the decision process?  ...You also illuded to the same occurence happening 4 months later with someone else over the praise team? ?/?

The chuch body in this case may want to take a look at themselves,  JMHO/2 cents... :)

Offline momuzik

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Re: (Poll) Should the Choir have some say in the hiring of there M.O.M?
« Reply #42 on: June 23, 2008, 10:32:27 AM »
I know I'm a johnny-come-lately to this thread but I was kinda shocked to see the results of the poll.

To me, the pastor (or board - however your church is run) should be the hiring authority. If he/ she don't know anything about music, he should get a consultant or someone musically qualified to advise him/her on the matter.

Like someone said, everyone in the choir isn't musically qualified to have an input on choosing a MOM. For that matter, why don't the congregation have some input on hiring since they'll be hearers and will be singing along?

Also, music is only one aspect (although most important) of hiring. You still have contractual terms to agree on: pay, vacation, sick days, medical coverage, retirement, etc...; the choir wouldn't (or shouldn't) know enough about these terms to make a decision.

Offline under13

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Re: (Poll) Should the Choir have some say in the hiring of there M.O.M?
« Reply #43 on: June 23, 2008, 10:37:11 AM »
I know I'm a johnny-come-lately to this thread but I was kinda shocked to see the results of the poll.

To me, the pastor (or board - however your church is run) should be the hiring authority. If he/ she don't know anything about music, he should get a consultant or someone musically qualified to advise him/her on the matter.

Like someone said, everyone in the choir isn't musically qualified to have an input on choosing a MOM. For that matter, why don't the congregation have some input on hiring since they'll be hearers and will be singing along?

Also, music is only one aspect (although most important) of hiring. You still have contractual terms to agree on: pay, vacation, sick days, medical coverage, retirement, etc...; the choir wouldn't (or shouldn't) know enough about these terms to make a decision.

Last year our new mom was chosen by the Pastor and Church council, but they gave the congregation final say. So we voted him in. (He was the only candidate).

I guess they let us choose, so there wouldnt be any complaints.

BTW NOBODY in my church knows anything about music.

Offline ferrente

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Re: (Poll) Should the Choir have some say in the hiring of there M.O.M?
« Reply #44 on: June 29, 2008, 09:41:16 PM »
I was just wondering...

...Why did everyone dissaprove of the new M.O.M. from day one?...Did everyone know him/her already, or just didn't like him/her because they were'nt involved in the decision process?  ...You also illuded to the same occurence happening 4 months later with someone else over the praise team? ?/?

The chuch body in this case may want to take a look at themselves,  JMHO/2 cents... :)

Good Points!!
Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

Offline vocalist182002

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Re: (Poll) Should the Choir have some say in the hiring of there M.O.M?
« Reply #45 on: July 01, 2008, 01:25:59 AM »
I was just wondering...

...Why did everyone dissaprove of the new M.O.M. from day one?...Did everyone know him/her already, or just didn't like him/her because they were'nt involved in the decision process?  ...You also illuded to the same occurence happening 4 months later with someone else over the praise team? ?/?

The chuch body in this case may want to take a look at themselves,  JMHO/2 cents... :)

I fully agree with you, after seeing this happen over and over again.  I began to ask myself the same question.  No one knew the musician before he came on board, the way he came across is what I think had an affect on everyone.  He came in and just like get with it our leave, and everyone had been there long before he got there.  So they were like who does he think he is.  And when you approach anyone without respect or aknowledging that their human and have feelings also, they will tune you out, and that's what they did.  Even though we tried meetings, nobody wanted him there so they dropped out and there was no one in the choir but the praise team.  That's why I say the Pastor shouldn't have the say so alone, but at least give the people that make up the music dept. an input.  Because in the end they are the ones that are going to have to deal with them, follow their instructions and sing, not the pastor. 
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