He Will Work it Out
Troy Sneed and Bonafide Praiser?s
Key of E - modulates to F - then Gb
Choir Parts - It will be little different on the vamp because I plan on teaching this to a choir without the lead vocals (I don't like including the ministry part another lead vocalist has done, that part is spirit lead and should only be done by them...IMHO), but the rest holds true to the song. Intro and bridge between modulation to Gb I?m not including.
Arr. cas10a
In unison
Things may not be look-ing up,
B B E E E-C# C#
But it's ok-ay
E A C#-B
Hold your head up high,
B B E E C#
Its gonna be a bright..-ter day
Soprano A A A A A,B-C# B
Alto E E E E E,F#-G# F#,E,F#
Tenor C# C# C# C# C#,D#-E D#
In unison
All things work to-get-her,
E E G# E-E-C#
For good to them that Lo..ve God;
E D# D# D# D# C# D# E
(1)What-ev-er the sit-u-a-tion,(1)
B-E-E E G#-E-E-C#
He will work it out
E D# C# D# E
What-ev-er the sit-u-a-tion,
B-E-E E G#-E-E-C#
He will work it out
Soprano C# B A B B
Alto A G# F# G# G#
Tenor E D# C# D# E
He will work it out
Soprano C# B A B B
Alto A G# F# G# G#
Tenor E D# C# D# E
I know He wi ill
G# F# E C# B
He will?, work it? ?it out
Soprano C# B A,G# F# A# A#
Alto A G# F#,E C# E E
Tenor E D# C#,B A B B (on 2nd time - G#)
***2nd VERSE*** - Modulation to F
Same as 1st VERSE In unison
Trials and Tribulations,
May come your way.
When the road gets rough,
Hold on and keep the faith
***In unison***
All things work together,
For good to them who love God;
(go back to 1 above)
Here are the chords with the Vamp