I'm sure most of you are getting tired to responses on this topic....but I thinks its key, that we don't become divisive and fingerpointers, or make universal assumtions and declarations in regard to musicianship and skill. We must acknowledge that there are a variety of factors that may contribute to one doing what he/she does.
Although NOW I understand some basic theory, and am fluent in all keys...it was not always the case. If in a service on a keyboard and I "got stuck" to save disruption in the service, and frankly to avoid embarassment, I'd transpose in a minute.
We cant say that all tranposers are lazy or "unreal". Even though I believe I understand, why some hold that argument. I'm 34, and have been publicly playing keys, since 14. I am a drummer that was forced (literally, by my ex gangsta turned preacha father)to the organ because there was not one in our small church. I continued to practice and develop in all my keys, however for the longest time, I was not fluent or comfy in G, I'm not sure why, but I just didn't have vision and application in G, regardless of how I practiced, or worked on my chording....G was torment for me...so if at a board and a song popped off in G, if on a organ, I'd move them to F# or Ab...if on a board, I'd transpose. Thankfully, I'm much better in G, but for many a year(into my 30's) G was my learning disability(Although for some odd reason, I could rock that JHall cut "changed" in G)
Everyone is not exposed to theory,or the numbers system, and in small churches like I grew up in, many could only play in a few keys. A player I know in particular would play you to tears in C,F,G and Bb, but did the Spirit of God move any less ,when she was at a board and transposed???...NO....does that make her a faker or "unreal" musician?
I knew of another musician who could play in every key, NEVER transposed, but a lot of their playing was unitelligable...is he the "real" musician ?? I know of another gentleman, who in the studio or in rehearsal had to transpose, because they could not play in every key...but on sunday morning, they literally transformed and became what many of you would describe "a beast" in every key, I mean this cat can do no wrong, but when service is over, he's back to tranpose city...so which is he??
Granted I know some musicians are lazy, and I'd be lying if I said I havent had a thought, or snicker or two, when someone was killing and showing every run and progression they knew in Eb, but as soon as the choir director got happy and had them modulate up to E (not part of the plan)...they switched to the worlds most basic chords (or transposed).
My point is for you high flying eagles, be a lil patient, and don't disassociate yourself from the rest of us cardinals, pigeons and ducks...afterall an ostrich is still a bird
I'm a proponent of knowing your craft, playing in all keys, being adept at all styles, but please let us not be competitive or elitist over this issue. Fact is God anointed us to play, and it is He that has given us the faculty to develop in our skill(obviously he wasnt much in a hurry to help me in G). Like the story of the talents, some of us are a 10, others 5, and 2.
I encourage us all to operate at the maximum level according to our faith and the measure that was placed in us. Spend time practicing and developing your craft, more importantly spend time playing TO HIM, learning what HE enoys, and wants to hear, and not just practicing and playing to impress others