Shame! shame! shame! lol
You all ack like you tryin' to get heated and don't even know why! lol
This is very easy yall! This little confusion is no more than "word games/semantics"....not actual "thoughts".
I'll bet anything, that everybody on this post are actually in agreement, but just because of a less than perfect
word label, everybody ends up thinking that it's two opposing sides! lol
I am going to
attempt to clear this up, and it shouldn't be very difficult at all lol:
1) I would venture to guess that EVERYBODY in this thread agrees that: "musicians should learn to play in EVERY key"
2) I would venture to guess that EVERYBODY in this thread agrees that: "at the moment a musician hits the transpose button, HIS FINGERS ARE NOT PLAYING IN THE "REAL" KEY. Some call it a "fake" KEY, not fake musician, but fake KEY.
3) I would venture to guess that, IF Stevie Wonder could only play in 11 keys, but the song was in the 12th key, so he used the transpose button, there's absolutely
NO ONE in this thread that's would prepared to say that Stevie Wonder is NOT a "true or real" musician, despite 11 keys. lol
Whoever steps out on this to disagree, i'm gonna back away from my computer so the lightning bolt don't hit me!