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Author Topic: Help the Praise Team is too big!  (Read 5814 times)

Offline 2blessed

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Help the Praise Team is too big!
« on: May 26, 2008, 04:51:23 PM »
I am the praise & worship leader of our praise team which was birthed in 2005.  It has become too big.  Now it is half the choir across the front of the church.  How did this happen?  I often ask myself this question.   ::)We started off with 2 altos, 1 soporano and 1 tenor.  The Pastor added an alto to give her something to do.  Pastor and I have an understanding now however, too late I am stuck with her.  We needed another soporano to assist vocally.  M.O.M added 2 tenors.  So we have 9 total if I am not playing the piano.  The issue is talent is lacking which creates more work on parts.  Some of the hearts are not right.  Some are not dedicated to this ministry.  I have set clear expectations.  I have a few faithful ones and I would love to have the rest step down.  I do not have authority to put them out. Our leadership believes if they want to sing let them.  The few faithful did an awesome devotion when the others did not show up for practice or call and still have not said anything to me about it.  In addition to prayer, and studying God's word,  I am thinking about dividing them into 2 groups.  One group sings 1st & 2nd Sunday and Group 2 sings 3rd and 4th Sunday.  It would be the same amount of practice for me which is fine.  But I have been trying to find out what the cons would be for us.  What do you think? ?/?           

Offline kodacolor

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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2008, 08:56:52 PM »
One group sings 1st & 2nd Sunday and Group 2 sings 3rd and 4th Sunday.  It would be the same amount of practice for me which is fine.  But I have been trying to find out what the cons would be for us.  What do you think? ?/?           

I think this is a good idea.  I doubt there will be any problems.  The only problem that could come up is some random petty person saying something like, "why you put all the good people in group 1 and all the sucky people in group 2?" or "i don't like him/her and I don't want to be in a group with him/her".  Since you're working with adults I seriously doubt these problems will come up.  in spite of the fact some adults at like kids, I doubt these problems will be a problem or a major problem for you.  :)

Offline betnich

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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2008, 10:26:58 PM »
I think this is a good idea.  I doubt there will be any problems.  The only problem that could come up is some random petty person saying something like, "why you put all the good people in group 1 and all the sucky people in group 2?" or "i don't like him/her and I don't want to be in a group with him/her".  Since you're working with adults I seriously doubt these problems will come up.  in spite of the fact some adults at like kids, I doubt these problems will be a problem or a major problem for you.  :)

I agree...perhaps you could allow Praise Team members to 'exchange places' with one another in case they could not make a certain day...

Offline 2blessed

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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2008, 09:44:15 AM »
Kodacolor, I know you were being funny right?  about working with adults.  They can be worse than the kids.   ;D  Since some are not dedicated I would probably need to switch people around at times to fill in.   

Offline momuzik

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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2008, 06:17:59 AM »
... I am thinking about dividing them into 2 groups.  One group sings 1st & 2nd Sunday and Group 2 sings 3rd and 4th Sunday...

We had this same problem, so what we did was created a choir. We now alternate on certain Sundays.

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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2008, 01:32:17 PM »
im sorry to ride on yall parade but i hate when you have to make two groups for one church unless its kids from the adults.  i believe that it only take one group to usher in the spirit every week. if you do that you might as well get two senior pastors. MY point is, does it take two teams. Sit down with the team and be straight up and honest. Sometimes people get away with stuff cause they can!! You shouldnt have to make life desicions on who should stay or go or be split into groups. God place you there cause he knew that you can take the (one) praise team to a whole nother level. Besides your really causing more work on your selves. Cause some people might not come to church or show up late  cause praise team 2 is singing. or the musician might give his/her all cause they are up there. Please think about this

just my two cents
"vision to victory"

Offline 2blessed

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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2008, 10:56:23 PM »

Thanks you made some good points.  Definitely, something to think about.  I'm going to continue praying on this thing!

Offline Formuzik

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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2008, 10:46:54 AM »
I am a fan of multiple teams because everyone needs time to be out getting fed and not always leading.  Also, we are called to equip people for the ministry; that means we need to get as many people involved as possible so they can grow.  Those are not so good should be paired with stronger singers so that "iron sharpens iron."  You also have a third place to put people--- the midweek service.  I would continue with one rehearsal where new music is introduced, but I would stress using multiple teams as well as having the team members call each other to fill in the case they cannot make it.  Why not take this time to start an ensemble or choir? 

Offline MrSparrow

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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2008, 11:01:21 AM »
Man, this is what I would do. First, write down your expectations, rules and consequences and have your singers sign a letter of committment. If they miss rehearsal and don't call you they know on their letter of committment that they signed that they will not sing. If they miss consecutive rehearsals they know that they will be put on 60 day probation. If you aren't the person who asks them to resign then talk with whoever that person is and run it by them before you present it.

Everyone can't do everything ALL the time. Some churches have term limits for people on the praise team, choir and even the band. Some singers think they have lifetime appointments like they're on the Supreme Court or something...

Set up what you want but stick to what you write and all of these problems will disappear. Trust me...

A committment letter is all you need. When they fall short of the expectations that they agreed to, their case to stay will be a very weak one. You would have covered your bases with the proper documentation of missed rehearsals, lateness and performance to justify their dismissal...

Piece of cake,


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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2008, 09:03:42 PM »
This post was helpful because I was having some similar problems with the praise and worship at my home church!
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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2008, 08:58:09 PM »
This post was helpful because I was having some similar problems with the praise and worship at my home church!

Glad to help!


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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2008, 09:04:26 PM »
Glad to help!


My Praise is high and my worship is deep. God you have been so good to ME.

Offline 2blessed

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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2008, 10:14:13 PM »
Thank you everybody.  It feels good to have someone relate to these issues.  I'll keep you posted on how this all works out.   

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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2008, 11:00:03 PM »
Hey, I know Im late, but I can definitely relate to this issue. MrSparrow was right about the commitment letter. The Praise team isn't something that should be taken lightly. It determines whether or not the Pastor will have to pump and prime the congregation, whether strong holds will have to be pulled out of the atmosphere before real ministry can go forth! Let me say that the idea about two teams was wonderful for a few reasons. One person said sometime its good to be fed and not always leading..thats hitting the nail on the head.  Its a blessing if you can have two teams. If you establish the rules the purpose, the vision, and everything else important with everybody along with the commitment letter you will soon be able to weed out the ones that don't want to be there, or those with bad motives. This may even help change a member that seemed like they didn't want to be there. God might do something in their life and cause them to be more dedicated! (Ask me how I know) As far as talent go make sure you make the two teams as balanced as possible. You got to have some leaders in each team. Its not much of a team if you got one lead worshiper in each group. Mix them as good as you can and work on building their confidence in practice. Now if you got some that just can't sing then you might want to talk to Pastor about putting them in the choir.

My opinion: The praise team should be a group of people who can usher the congregation in to the presence of God. A group of people who has the desire to lead and not just be background.  Now some might not be leads (vocally)

The choir is a place for the ones who want to sing but scared to lead, they might not all be strong vocally but they can blend with the other voices.

I hope I helped.
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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2008, 07:30:18 PM »
I agree with MrSparrow and also the other person that talked about getting a letter of commitment. If the praisers who led the procession around Jericho had not been commited........
If the praise team had not begun to stand up and praise God in 2 Chron 2..........
If Job had not praised God when he allowed Satan to wipe out everything he had........

The P&W should be disciples of the Lord, and disciples of the Lord are faithful, dependable, striving to be holy, having their minds constantly transformed, tithers, intercessors, fast& pray-ers. They are humble and are not looking to put on a show. We have had to sit one of two down in our ministry, and this came from the church leadership being kept informed.

Remember Jezebel need an Ahab (weak leader) spirit to operate.....
Those who will not subject themselves to the leader of the P&W team needs to be lovingly sat down, no matter who they are. God punished Moses when he disobeyed we are no different....

It is good to have some dependable alternates so you prevent the team from getting burned out or when they hit the dry places where you expect them to sing and all they can do is cry.
I know I am preaching to the choir (no pun intended), remember Satan hates P&W because it was originally his gift and God took it away from him and gave it to us.
Anthing he can do to stop P&W he will do it. Stay encouraged, sit down woth your church leaders and ask for their help in getting to the P&W team that will glorify God above all!!

Offline betnich

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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2008, 07:42:41 PM »
I agree with MrSparrow and also the other person that talked about getting a letter of commitment. If the praisers who led the procession around Jericho had not been commited........
If the praise team had not begun to stand up and praise God in 2 Chron 2..........
If Job had not praised God when he allowed Satan to wipe out everything he had........

The P&W should be disciples of the Lord, and disciples of the Lord are faithful, dependable, striving to be holy, having their minds constantly transformed, tithers, intercessors, fast& pray-ers. They are humble and are not looking to put on a show. We have had to sit one of two down in our ministry, and this came from the church leadership being kept informed.

Remember Jezebel need an Ahab (weak leader) spirit to operate.....
Those who will not subject themselves to the leader of the P&W team needs to be lovingly sat down, no matter who they are. God punished Moses when he disobeyed we are no different....

It is good to have some dependable alternates so you prevent the team from getting burned out or when they hit the dry places where you expect them to sing and all they can do is cry.
I know I am preaching to the choir (no pun intended), remember Satan hates P&W because it was originally his gift and God took it away from him and gave it to us.
Anthing he can do to stop P&W he will do it. Stay encouraged, sit down woth your church leaders and ask for their help in getting to the P&W team that will glorify God above all!!


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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2008, 09:40:57 PM »
I agree with MrSparrow and also the other person that talked about getting a letter of commitment. If the praisers who led the procession around Jericho had not been commited........
If the praise team had not begun to stand up and praise God in 2 Chron 2..........
If Job had not praised God when he allowed Satan to wipe out everything he had........

The P&W should be disciples of the Lord, and disciples of the Lord are faithful, dependable, striving to be holy, having their minds constantly transformed, tithers, intercessors, fast& pray-ers. They are humble and are not looking to put on a show. We have had to sit one of two down in our ministry, and this came from the church leadership being kept informed.

Remember Jezebel need an Ahab (weak leader) spirit to operate.....
Those who will not subject themselves to the leader of the P&W team needs to be lovingly sat down, no matter who they are. God punished Moses when he disobeyed we are no different....

It is good to have some dependable alternates so you prevent the team from getting burned out or when they hit the dry places where you expect them to sing and all they can do is cry.
I know I am preaching to the choir (no pun intended), remember Satan hates P&W because it was originally his gift and God took it away from him and gave it to us.
Anthing he can do to stop P&W he will do it. Stay encouraged, sit down woth your church leaders and ask for their help in getting to the P&W team that will glorify God above all!!

AWESOME!!!! Especially this part "It is good to have some dependable alternates so you prevent the team from getting burned out or when they hit the dry places where you expect them to sing and all they can do is cry. " That was well said..God knows I've been there and I've seen it happen. Awesome!
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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2008, 07:13:47 AM »
Some very good stuff! Our MOM 2 one point FIRED the whole team for lack of commitment,attitudes,etc(this was before my time).He would lead worship with 1-3 singers and videos.His guitar player didn't want to practice,but wanted to come in and "jam" on Sun.He and I served at another church,when i joined him had a few singers,did a few services with keys ,drum machine,vocals.LORD has added a drummer,now 2 youths have come forward to cover bass and axe.So,by sticking to his guns,LORD has honored this by filling in the holes.Much better when HE does it-just "write the vision clearly;can 2(or more ) walk together lest they be in agreement?".

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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2008, 08:56:03 PM »
Man, this is what I would do. First, write down your expectations, rules and consequences and have your singers sign a letter of committment. If they miss rehearsal and don't call you they know on their letter of committment that they signed that they will not sing. If they miss consecutive rehearsals they know that they will be put on 60 day probation. If you aren't the person who asks them to resign then talk with whoever that person is and run it by them before you present it.

Everyone can't do everything ALL the time. Some churches have term limits for people on the praise team, choir and even the band. Some singers think they have lifetime appointments like they're on the Supreme Court or something...

Set up what you want but stick to what you write and all of these problems will disappear. Trust me...

A committment letter is all you need. When they fall short of the expectations that they agreed to, their case to stay will be a very weak one. You would have covered your bases with the proper documentation of missed rehearsals, lateness and performance to justify their dismissal...

Piece of cake,

great advice, our M.O.M. did it, for all the chiors, and it straightened out alot of mess, preach on MrSparrow.
Let your voice, be one voice, to Glorify the Lord.

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Re: Help the Praise Team is too big!
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2008, 08:34:10 AM »
I understand totally!! I am in the same boat with too many people with not enough time to keep going over parts!! It takes an hour rehersal to an hour and forty-five mins...
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