At the end of the day, we're going to be on the opposite side of this thing. I have a problem with a musician who's only going to show up at church to play, then bounce.
I will amen that
I also have a problem with musicians who feel that when the whole congregation stands for the reading of the word they feel they can still sit
reverence for the word is for all
I think we have finally come down to the real meat of this debate
and that is professionalism and courtesy
and commitment
none of which has to do with membership but it does have to do with maturity and integrity
Regardless of whether or not you are a member or not
if you are hired by a church as a full time musician
then you are obligated to play for all of their programs or make sure there is someone present
you are hired to handle their music ministry
that includes special programs rehearsals
this should all be spelled out in a contract
and if your church doesent know this you should as a musician understand the many variable s
and as a christian bring this to bear in the meeting
you have a right to want to charge extra for your extra time commitments
but you dont have a right to take money for nothing
leaving before the benedicition unless given permsission
I have seen many afternoon programs where there is no musician present
I think that as a minister of music or church musician your sundays should be devoted to your contracted hire
it is a covenant between you God and the pastor of the house.
I am glad to see you pen the words you did on this particular post I quoted
because it taught me that although we disagree if we are both on the side of God we will agree when we uncover enough stuff
I understand now that your main purpose with the membership piece is to protect the ministry
I hope you understand that the way to protect the ministry is with mature contientious spirit filled musicians who have reverence for god and his messengers and ingegrity within themselves