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Author Topic: How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)  (Read 2291 times)

Offline Virtuenow

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How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)
« on: April 08, 2008, 12:14:42 AM »
Hi, how do you use midis.  I'm not asking how to get them to play, that is not the issue.  But I think somone said the midis can help you develop your ear.  In what way are you using the midi's on LGM.  I heard some interesting midis posted; but I have no idea what to do with them.  So do you just play along with it to (1) mimic the player, (2) play over the player with scales runs/pretend to play with them; (3) learn particular songs; (4) or something else?

Musalio, you suggested adding midi's to a practice routine, so this is kind of a follow up question for you and everone-- on how to incorporate midis into the routine.

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Re: How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2008, 08:20:35 AM »
I personally do not use midis to practice. I don't like 'em at all, except to listen to what others are doing. I have heard that there are some software programs that can show you, either on a keyboard or on the musical staff, what is being played on the midi. I suppose you could use that to see what is going on.
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Re: How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2008, 11:26:15 AM »
I have heard that there are some software programs that can show you, either on a keyboard or on the musical staff, what is being played on the midi. I suppose you could use that to see what is going on.

Thats exactly right! I use them if I hear some nice progressions or a nice run or riff I like. I try to learn it by ear first, then if I need help I go to the midi file. I t will show you what was played. Just a way to add to your bag 'o tricks!
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Re: How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2008, 12:27:19 PM »
Thats exactly right! I use them if I hear some nice progressions or a nice run or riff I like. I try to learn it by ear first, then if I need help I go to the midi file. I t will show you what was played. Just a way to add to your bag 'o tricks!

Midis helped me out alot when I was a few months into my playing & even now:

1 of the ways I learn from midi files is like drebeatz...

BUT, the way I use them, I try to get principles rather than to have another riff or run or chord to play in a particular song..how?

I ANALYZE THE CONTEXT: ie, if I want to extract a riff/ run, I look at what led to that chop being played...& then before I learn the actual chop I try to think of all the songs or situations where I apply/ I can apply the part that leads to the chop...(now I know that I'm taking my playing to the next level for sure because it's not something relevant to just 1 song).

Now I get to the meat, ie, the actual chop (sometimes it can be some very very fast run /fast long progression >:(, in which case I reduce the tempo to the lowest possible speed & my cursor is always on the play/pause button.)..in such a case, it's useful to jot down the chop in small chunks & try to play those parts you have written down, trying to emulate the actual recording as much as you can.

Since the speed is so low, it's a good idea to rewind & play the parts you've covered already every now & again so that you don't get completely lost on what you are trying to achieve ;)

You follow these steps until you get the chop & then play the pre-chop part along with the chop to see if you really have it..Now U can celebrate if you want.

But we haven't finished the learning because we don't know what to do after playing that great chop..So I always ANALYZE where the chop is taking me to/ what it resolves to (eg, is it to a 2-5, some ending, change of key etc? off course you don't have to limit yourself to that..Sometime  you can identify other ways to use the chop other than the way it has been applied in the midi)..


If I want to learn a style of music I'm not familiar with, midis come in handy..For instance, I learnt shout music through midis (just click on bass & analyse the bass pattern& then the RH part & then everything together), the same goes for latin music & many of the midis with multi-instruments (Samuel Tolbert & Hammondman +other budding stars from here are excellent when it comes to creating those midis!)..those help me out to learn how to syntesize with the other instruments.


Midi files with drum patterns are also useful if you want to learn how to play the drums manually on the board.. you should that out ;D


Last but not least, if you want your music to sound richer/ you play alone at church (or wherever), then midis are quite a good tool to just load onto the board & play along/ synthesize with a different instrument.
This is what I do nowadays most of the time when I use midis because my focus is on being able to play in a band setup.

I hope all that stuff makes sense & will be of some use to you Virtuenow & any1 else. :)

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Offline Virtuenow

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Re: How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2008, 06:08:50 PM »
Midis helped me out alot when I was a few months into my playing & even now:

...(now I know that I'm taking my playing to the next level for sure because it's not something relevant to just 1 song).

Now I get to the meat, ie, the actual chop (sometimes it can be some very very fast run /fast long progression >:(, in which case I reduce the tempo to the lowest possible speed & my cursor is always on the play/pause button.)..in such a case, it's useful to jot down the chop in small chunks & try to play those parts you have written down, trying to emulate the actual recording as much as you can.

Since the speed is so low, it's a good idea to rewind & play the parts you've covered already every now & again so that you don't get completely lost on what you are trying to achieve ;)

You follow these steps until you get the chop & then play the pre-chop part along with the chop to see if you really have it..Now U can celebrate if you want.

But we haven't finished the learning because we don't know what to do after playing that great chop..So I always ANALYZE where the chop is taking me to/ what it resolves to (eg, is it to a 2-5, some ending, change of key etc? off course you don't have to limit yourself to that..Sometime  you can identify other ways to use the chop other than the way it has been applied in the midi)..


If I want to learn a style of music I'm not familiar with, midis come in handy..For instance, I learnt shout music through midis (just click on bass & analyse the bass pattern& then the RH part & then everything together), the same goes for latin music & many of the midis with multi-instruments (Samuel Tolbert & Hammondman +other budding stars from here are excellent when it comes to creating those midis!)..those help me out to learn how to syntesize with the other instruments.


Midi files with drum patterns are also useful if you want to learn how to play the drums manually on the board.. you should that out ;D


Last but not least, if you want your music to sound richer/ you play alone at church (or wherever), then midis are quite a good tool to just load onto the board & play along/ synthesize with a different instrument.
This is what I do nowadays most of the time when I use midis because my focus is on being able to play in a band setup.

I hope all that stuff makes sense & will be of some use to you Virtuenow & any1 else. :)

Thanks musallio.  How do you slow down the music and/or click on the bass?  Does everyone have access to this or just the premium membership package?  Anyway, this all sounds good, especially #4, which is where I am at (playing along w/cd's & soon also midis).  That also sounds appropriate (advice #1) about making the chord changes relevant to other songs.  Very good!

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Re: How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2008, 06:14:40 PM »
Hi, how do you use midis.  I'm not asking how to get them to play, that is not the issue.  But I think somone said the midis can help you develop your ear.  In what way are you using the midi's on LGM.  I heard some interesting midis posted; but I have no idea what to do with them.  So do you just play along with it to (1) mimic the player, (2) play over the player with scales runs/pretend to play with them; (3) learn particular songs; (4) or something else?

Musalio, you suggested adding midi's to a practice routine, so this is kind of a follow up question for you and everone-- on how to incorporate midis into the routine.

You answered your question. :D You should download Vanbasco and then download the big piano display.
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Re: How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2008, 07:01:38 AM »

Does everyone have access to this or just the premium membership package?

You answered your question. :D You should download Vanbasco and then download the big piano display.

Well Virtuenow, there you have it, except that you only have to download Vanbasco & not the "big piano" because it is already in the cool package you'd have downloaded ;)

How do you slow down the music

In the picture above, click on the "control" button/tab & it will show you the Tempo (in percentage ,=100%). So you can adjust that upwards (up to 200% ) & downwards (down to 25% )..

It is in this control panel where you will also be able to change the key/ transpose..The default key is set at zero & a unit change is equivalent to transposing by a half-step.

You can also adjust the midi's volume in the control panel.


To view the "big piano", click on the "Piano" tab/button ;)

How do you click on the bass?

In order to view all the instruments being played in the midi file, just click on the "Output" tab/button.
The activated instruments will be a glowing red/ blue..
Now there are 2 things you can do if there is more than 1 instrument:

i) You can click on the blue/ green button (in the midi output panel) of the respective instrument that you want to view (on it's own) in the Piano (whilst still hearing the other instruments in the background..
So if you have multiple instruments, you click on all the ones U want 2 see on the piano. 8)

ii) You click on the Red button if you want to mute a particular instrument..

I hope I've addressed all your concerns...Where I haven't, I know the fam will come thru' :)

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Offline Virtuenow

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Re: How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2008, 10:57:36 PM »
I was using the midis on the LGM website.  Where do the Vonbosco midis come from??  Where do the songs come from?  Is this related to LGM membership??  I don't like to download stuff but will consider it if it will help (download overload). 

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Re: How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2008, 11:34:50 PM »
You can play midis from anywhere using vanbasco so you can see the notes being played and slow them down.
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Re: How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2008, 03:20:42 AM »
I was using the midis on the LGM website.  Where do the Vonbosco midis come from??  Where do the songs come from?  Is this related to LGM membership??  I don't like to download stuff but will consider it if it will help (download overload). 

MM has answered your question once again.

Perhaps the feature I didn't mention (geesh, a good teacher should never assume that stuff is obvios :P) was the Playlist.
The playlist button is the 1st the 1st 1 there below the FastFoward button :)

Nice, U see that folder there on the top RH side, you can just click on the down arrow there & choose files on any internal or external storage device & select all the ones you want to play or double click on them.
All the songs that will play are the ones on the LH side & the highlighted song is the 1 that's currently playing..
If you don't like the default midis that come with VanBasco U can either delete them or ignore them.

What have I not mentioned...ok, if you want to repeat 1 song, all the songs or shuffle, then you have the control available on the middle RH side of the Main Karaoke Player.. :)

I'm just thinking I might as well show U what the other controls I spoke about in the previous post look like:

The Tempo, Transpose & volume contol window looks like this

The window you will love the most if you want to disable other instruments or watch them alone on the piano is this 1

This is the lyrics feature that I've never used before ::)

& here is that "Big Piano

I wish I could find an english version of th e tutorial, but I only managed to find the  Portuguese tutorial >:(

here it is just in case you understand portuguese ;D

Portuguese Van Basco Tutorial

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Re: How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2008, 07:16:06 PM »
Thanks, Musallio, this is an abundance of information.  I will eventually pick up the Vonbosco when I feel more advanced and refer to your tutorial...not there yet!  Must start w/LGMs less complicated midis.

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Re: How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2008, 09:11:23 AM »
Thanks, Musallio, this is an abundance of information.  I will eventually pick up the Vonbosco when I feel more advanced and refer to your tutorial...not there yet!  Must start w/LGMs less complicated midis.

Ok, some correction/ clarification  needed there!! :o

VanBasco is merely a software that allows you to play & assess/ analyze any midi files--be they the ones you created on your own or the ones you downloaded from LGM or any other website.. ;)
So if you don't have an ultra good ear/ you want to see what's really happening in any midi you want to learn/ use, you just open VanBasco, go to the playlist there & select the midi file from whichever drive/ folder it is stored in & follow the instructions above to play it & analyze it :)

Now U get that VanBasco Toya :)
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Offline Virtuenow

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Re: How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2008, 12:58:25 AM »
Well, I finally decided to download this program-- and it only took 6 months!  Now I can't get any of my songs to play on this vonbasco player.  I pull up the playlist to try to get to the files on my computer (i have like a thousand songs)-- but it shows up blank in the documents box.  I get all the way to my music folder but no songs are listed.  Just a blank box.  How do I get my songs to show up so I can play them with this program.  I suppose my songs are saved under an mp3. format. 


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Re: How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2008, 09:24:21 PM »
? Anyone? (bump)

Offline CJKeyboardPlaya

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Re: How to use midis (Musalio...anybody?)
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2008, 09:36:05 PM »
I think your asking about how to play files useing the program...??

 Well THE FILES MUST BE A "MID." FILE FORMAT in order for it play!!!
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