I didn't put all the exact chords and runs from the CD, but this is pretty close.
"Praise Offering" by: Kiki Sheard
B / B-D-G
A / A-C-F
G / F-A-Bb-D
F / C-F-A
F / D-F-Bb
F / C-F-A
D / Bb-D-F
E / C-E-G
Part 1:
F / F-A-C out-
A / G-A-C-F stretched
Bb / F-Bb-D hands
B / B-D-G and
C / G-C-E with
C# / C#-E-A a
D / A-D-F sin-
E / C-E-G cere
F / C-F-A heart,
C / Bb-Eb-G
F-Eb / A-D-F#
G / G-Bb-Eb it's
A / A-C-F of Your
Bb / F-Bb-D mercies
Bb / F-Ab-Db we are
Eb / G-Bb-Eb not con-
Ab / Eb-G-C sumed, it's Your un-
Ab / Eb-G-C meri-
Bb / F-Ab-Db ted
C / G-Bb-Eb fa-
Bb / F-Ab-Db vor,
Ab / Eb-G-C
Db / Ab-Db-F and Your com-
Db / C-F-Ab passions
C / Bb-Eb-G fail
Bb / Ab-Db-F us
Ab / Ab-C-Eb not, for they are new every morning,
G / G-C-D-G great
B / G-B-D-G is Thy
C / Bb-C-D-F faithfulness,
D / A-C-Eb-Gb
G / F-Bb-D Lord
B / B-D-G please
Bb / Bb-D-F hear
D / G-C-E these...
G / F-Bb-D as
B / B-D-G we
C / Bb-D-F of-
C / G-C-E fer
F / A-C-F praise,
C# / C#-E-A ho-
D / A-D-F ly,
B / B-D-G ho,
C / G-C-E ly, oh
Bb / F-Bb-D God
A / F-A-C of
G / D-F-Bb glo-
F / C-F-A ry, *go to Part 2 from here
D / Bb-D-F
E / C-E-G
(back to Part 1)
Part 2 (version 1):
it be-
A / G-C-E longs to
Bb / F-Bb-D You, I
A / G-C-E owe to
Bb / F-Bb-D You my
C# / G-Bb-C#-E every-
D / A-D-F thing, my
A / G-C-E grati-
Bb / F-Bb-D tude, and
A / G-C-E thanks to
Bb / F-Bb-D You for
C# / G-Bb-C#-E sa-
D / A-D-F
E / C-E-G me,
F / C-F-A it be-...
Part 2 (version 2):
A / G-C-E longs to
Bb / F-Bb-D You, I
A / G-C-E owe to
Bb / F-Bb-D You my
C# / G-Bb-C#-E every-
D / A-D-F thing, my
A / G-C-E grati-
Bb / F-Bb-D tude, and
A / G-C-E thanks
Bb / F-Bb-D
B / G-B-D You
C / G-C-E
C# / A-C#-E sa-
D / A-D-F
E / C-E-G me,
F / C-F-A it be-...
On Part 2, it switches back and forth with those 2 versions, so just be aware of that. Listen to the CD for rhythm and what octave to play the chords at. I know this song sounds complicated, but believe it or not it's full of basic chords. Some of them played at super speed to make it seem more complicated than it is.