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Author Topic: Leaving a Legacy  (Read 2404 times)

Offline ReddGirl

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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2008, 02:50:41 PM »
Let's keep this clean : )

Offline Furious Styles

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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2008, 02:59:10 PM »
The smart ones in the thread would get it Rue Rue.. Come on don't cheat your homies...
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Offline sjonathan02

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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2008, 03:00:53 PM »
I have so much to say...

But, I don't want to be misunderstood, or have to explain myself ten times to eleven different people... so I'll just.... shut up and KIM.  ;)

Atta girl.  :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Offline themidiroom

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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2008, 03:02:59 PM »
The smart ones in the thread would get it Rue Rue.. Come on don't cheat your homies...
Yeah, da homies wanna know whut U got ta say    ;D
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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #24 on: March 24, 2008, 03:04:57 PM »
Because it seems that way "to you".  You kinda answered your own question, brother.  It seems that way to some who don't know me inwardly.

The original question was about leaving a legacy behind.

I don't want to leave one behind that says "he was good at some stuff...but he didn't go anywhere with it because there was always somebody four steps better".

If I had the millions that talents like mine generate FOR OTHERS, I would leave a legacy of being a humanitarian...giving to the poor...helping other struggling artists make it, starting support groups for victims of sexual abuse, and so forth.

But I don't.  So, I resolve myself to just being "the nice guy with the good heart".  Plain and simple.

Let's start this with, there will ALWAYS be somebody better. So, if you're waiting until the day that somebody writes you a letter or knocks on your door and says, "Hey Hermie-Herm, guess what. You's (int) the bestest (int) in the land, man. Now, come on out here and show the world.", then you'll ALWAYS be waiting.

If you've got the talent to generate millions, then I'd suggest you NOT sit on it. There are people waiting for you.  ;)
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Offline temejo1

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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2008, 03:08:03 PM »
Write your own obituary! WOW! Now that is powerful. My cousin's step-mother passed and the only things people would say about her was she was a witch and only looked out for herself. Now if you were around her, she would tell you that she went to church on Sunday and loved GOD!

NOW THAT IS DEEP! Lord help me to do Your Will!

I have done this myself. Of course my program is nothing like HD's work, but it's not bad for an amatuer. I feel like no one really knows me better than me. I adjust the program as necessary...Of course, this may really be for another thread...LOL
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Offline themidiroom

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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2008, 03:08:19 PM »
If you've got the talent to generate millions, then I'd suggest you NOT sit on it. There are people waiting for you.  ;)
There are a lot of talent-less folks making millions.  A lot of it has to do with getting out there, creating your own opportunities and seizing others.
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Offline sjonathan02

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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2008, 03:09:43 PM »
There are a lot of talent-less folks making millions.  A lot of it has to do with getting out there, creating your own opportunities and seizing others.

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Offline LaylaMonroe

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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2008, 03:11:10 PM »
The smart ones in the thread would get it Rue Rue.. Come on don't cheat your homies...

It ain't the smart ones I'm concerned with.... LOL  :D :D :D

Naw, I'm kidding.  Actually, it's not even about smart or stupid.  It's more about looking for something when there's nothing there, and then making nothing into something HUGE... and I just ain't in the mood for alla dat today...  ;) :D :D :D

Atta girl.  :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2008, 03:50:50 PM »
There are a lot of talent-less folks making millions.  A lot of it has to do with getting out there, creating your own opportunities and seizing others.

I agree.  And I don't proclaim to be the BEST at anything, but I am good at most things I set my mind or hands to (not bragging).

But people who are far LESS talented and live lives that are FAR FILTHIER than anything I could ever imagine (no matter how good they are at "shouting the folks") MAKE IT!

Sezing opportunities...from what I see in this world today....means cutting whomever's throat needs to bleed for you to succeed.  I don't want that kinda rep.  I'm not made of that.

Case and point.  A very popular female minister (now Pastor) sang with Walter Hawkins.  She led one of his most popular songs that church choirs still sing today.  Who knew back then that she would start a gay church, and be out publicizing that it's RIGHT to be that way.  Even in doing the WRONG thing, she still has a following that is huger than LIFE!  She is still known for being a good singer (in spite of her doctrinal beliefs).  Feel me?

I don't think that GAY is RIGHT by any means....so I'm not defending her on any level.  But it seems easier for people to make it than it is for me.

People listen to the songs on my myspace page and write me saying "ooh...that blessed me" or "oooh...doc that needs to be on the radio".  But the process to making it happen (especially from a financial perspective" seems to be a dead end highway.

Maybe I'm just more FRUSTRATED than I should be.  It may not be taking too long for God, but it's taking too long for ME, and perhaps He is just teaching me to stay in my place.  But if I die tomorrow and none of the things he gifted me to do come to "fruition", in my opinion mine would be "just another life wasted".  Real talk.

I write poems and share them on LGM...and LGM is blessed!  :-\  Do they make it into a book?  No!  Do they win poetry contests?  NO!

I write plays and do them as funraisers for churches where THEY make thousands and I have "the goodness of my heart" as a card to stand on.  Tyler and David Talbert are SEEING the fruits of their labor (in dollars).  I won't bother to say that I started writing plays before either of them really came on the scene.  I won't say that at all!  LOL!

But...in response to Sister T's original question...

People on LGM (if they bother to even attend the funeral) will be able to say "that boy was cool...and he wrote some pretty ok poems, too" (end of story).

       SIDE NOTE:  Doubles, Sjon, and Redy would be able to testify of how I rescued them from an
       orchestra pit full of angry pitbulls at the awards show.  Some of y'all would testify to the fact
       that "that boy sho' did love chicken".  Then, Bishop Cole could walk to the mic and say "that's
        a rapp....a real rapp".

LOCAL people would be able to say "that boy was nice, he sho' could direct the choir, and his song "great things" tore up churches all over the tri-state area"!  Then again, Bishop Cole could walk to the mic and say "that's a rapp...a real rapp on top of a rap" and call for the undertakers.

Legacy ended!  Game over.  Who wants to leave "that" behind?

Offline LaylaMonroe

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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2008, 04:21:32 PM »

How did this thread become...


Nevermind.  :-\
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Offline ReddGirl

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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #31 on: March 24, 2008, 04:41:07 PM »
Everyone is at different stations in life. The naked truth is when all got saved it was not because we loved Jesus so much and wanted Him. It was selfish reasons. The Word says " We love Him because He FIRST loved us". Once we get saved and build a relationship, He cleans us up and directs us away from SELF. A legacy is left regardless (it may not be the one you want).


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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #32 on: March 24, 2008, 05:24:29 PM »
Exactly. It may not be the one we want.  Doesn't stop us from hoping wanting or being frustrated because it probably won't ever happen. That's all I was saying. I didn't try to irritate anyone. Of course for some I guess I don't have to try hard. Forgive me for saying anything at all. I pray that everyone here leaves a great legacy somewhere....someway....somehow.

Offline LaylaMonroe

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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #33 on: March 24, 2008, 05:29:54 PM »
Exactly. It may not be the one we want.  Doesn't stop us from hoping wanting or being frustrated because it probably won't ever happen. That's all I was saying. I didn't try to irritate anyone. Of course for some I guess I don't have to try hard. Forgive me for saying anything at all. I pray that everyone here leaves a great legacy somewhere....someway....somehow.

No need to apologize.  Your input is as valuable as everyone else's.
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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #34 on: March 24, 2008, 08:12:23 PM »
It's all gravy.

I've been meditating ever since this post started this morning. In some cases (here's where the honesty kicks in) I KNOW I am being selfish.  That's the sad part.

It's like Rose said in "Titanic" (one of my favorite quotes).  "The people left in the water had nothing to do but wait...wait to die....wait to live....wait for an absolution that would never come".

My Pastor preaches "you can have what you say" and all these other messages that have made me "feel good" in the process of waiting, but honestly I can't see how people who live far worse lives and have far worse talent aren't struggling half as hard.  I honestly want to call Don and tell him to destroy all the tracks we've made so far....cancel the BMI membership...and so on.

If the few people on LGM know about the poetry and have been blessed, then one of Y'ALL please show up and speak at the funeral!

If the people in Memphis were blessed by "Great Things" just sing it at the funeral and go in!!

Perhaps that is all that was meant to happen - which would make every Pastor and prophet that has spoken this "successful project AND PLAY that's going to bless people and take my ministry places" a lie!!

And if that's how it is MEANT to be, then I can resolve to let that simply be.

I am just plain out right frustrated with how long this thing seems to be taking to happen.  It doesn't seem fair...even though I know God's timing is not ours and everything happens in HIS time!  I know that full well.

It's not uncommon to become FRUSTRATED in the waiting process.  Maybe I'm the only one to go out on a limb and be so candid about how frustrated I am, but I don't want to leave a LEGACY of always being frustrated, either.  LOL!!!

To stretch my funeral longer than the allotted 10.3 minutes, y'all can volunteer as to who wants to talk about the poems and my love for chicken.  The program should say 3 minutes each (that's 6 so far).

Somebody who's heard the songs can comment on them (that's 9).

Somebody can comment on the directing...(I nominate Jerrod)....that's about 15!

Then just go and eat an all-you-can-eat meal with Baconators and lots of chicken and maccaroni in my honor.

On the program, put .... Chicken and Choirs .... A legacy of what?  SO BE IT!

Offline chevonee

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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2008, 08:25:54 PM »
This is a gr8 question Sister T, its very important that we don't just live for today but for the future as well. People call my husband and I GEEKS because we invest and both of our kids have trust funds established in their names. Our son has a play..play bank account with us, he is ALREADY learning what money is and how to save it. Our future is brighter because of what we're doing today.
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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2008, 11:16:54 PM »
There are a lot of talent-less folks making millions.  A lot of it has to do with getting out there, creating your own opportunities and seizing others.

Two words..........

Paris Hilton.
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Re: Leaving a Legacy
« Reply #37 on: March 25, 2008, 12:30:59 PM »

I apologise for complaining yesterday.  What I said did seem selfish; and to some extent, it really was!

I am learning (day by day) to wait on You.  But in the process of waiting, seeds of doubt have been planted and yesterday they began to take root.  Today, I curse that entire level of thinking. 

I know You have a purpose for my life, and you are going to bring forth some GREAT THINGS in due season.  I stand convicted, and repent of anything I said that may have been a "slap in the face" after all You've done for me thus far.

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