When I was 17, I started going to another church that had a better music ministry. I used to go once or twice a month for the early morning service, so I would still get to my church on time. I didnt even have a car, so I used to bum rides or take a cab. I'm glad my parents didnt stop me from going, or else I'd be far behind with my organ playing, musical opportunities and networking with other musicians.
Now I've left my church (where I wasnt doing much of anything) about two months ago to play at another church. I moved out a year ago, but even if I was still living at home they still would have let me go. I havent, and dont plan on joining this other church
I think if churches would give the youth a reason to come, then they would. The only thing my church has for the youth, is a dance ministry. They started the youth choir again but all the youth already left or are at college (and they be singing some wack songs). I dont even think we have a 17-25 demographic at our church, which is a shame
As for making your kids join a ministry, I stopped being an alcolyte (alterboy) for like a month until one of the deacons made me join again. I probaly would have eventually joined again, as it was better than sitting in service doing nothing
When I have kids, I'll (most likely) let them go somewhere else When:
they are 16
After I've aproved the church
They must come to thier home church no less than twice a month
When They are 17/18 they can go full time. even if they are still living with me