Yeah yeah! And when people tell long stories giving every single detail instead of just paraphrasing and getting to the interesting part, won't let you get a word in edge-wise, when you already know how it's going to end...Also
Snitching co workers.
People who get offended by every little thing said to them, but feel they can say whatever they want, when they want, to whomever they want.
- People who say "We should hang out some time." but never have money and don't drive. - Preachers Ushers, announcers, P&W leaders... that say "Lemme stop cuz the preacher already preached." and they keep going anyway...
Women who can't take a hint that you don't wanna talk to them, some of yall be worse than these thirsty dudes.
U13, it's not our fault that you tho theckthy...
Random lisp FTW?