Don't play with Mama Watson!
And y'all a mess...
When people lie on me.
The word sexy referencing
When guys speak and say "Say lil mama", "Say Gal", "Pssssst", "Is that your real eye color" ( naw, i got my glasses AND contacts on!--c'mon that is only for the hood), "I like big girls" (Really, is that a pick up line?)...and so on
When people clap with cupped hands
When you text me, and I text you right back, and then you don't reply until 2 hours later. I'm like YOU JUST TEXTED ME FOOL!!! How you gonna get busy 3 seconds later!
When people scream when they ears are sensitive
When people THINK they can sing and do runs that make no sense!
Tone deafness...I know some can't help it, but the music major in me gets a little irked too easily.
When a female stares at me and then when I stare back, SHE gets upset! Really???
Ad-libbing plays that go on at my church...funny sometimes, but annoying
When my moms has issues with stuff i've done in my past and likes to bring it up at the WRONG time!
When I wear flip flops and they break!
Watered down kool aid! I'm like you need to do better...add another packet if you put too much water!
People suck they teeth when using a toothpick
Late functions considering I get to everything early!
When my sister calls me "Juicy Fruit"
When my dad goes down memory lane...especially during my potty training days and how I refused to wipe myself ( I was a diva at 2! LOL)
The list could go on....but I might get on y'alls nerve.