What gets on T-Block's last nerve:
People who say they gonna call u right back, then 2 days later they call. You could have told me ttyl, then I could've went to sleep instead of staying up trying to wait for you doggone call.
Slow drivers in the fast lane.
Stank breath.
Bad body odor.
Long-winded people (especially preachers who say the same thing 10x in a row).
Someone eating my food w/out my permission.
Transposers (i'm mainly talking bout the transpose-every-song-people).
When the praise team sings songs they haven't practiced and sound like hot garbage.
When visiting churches and/or choirs & soloists don't bring they musician(s) with them.
People who smack when they eat.
CO-SIGN to the 1,000,000,000,000,000th power!!! Both my parents do this and it drives me nuts.
Along the same lines I hate when people use toothpicks then make that loud sucking noise for da whole world to hear. Take it to da bathroom!!!