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Author Topic: Right Wing Attacks on Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Trinity United Church of Christ  (Read 2446 times)

Offline B3Wannabe

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It is a main issue because it goes to his judgement, but I think after that speech if they keep beating the drum about this the situation will turn around & make Obama look like the victim. I just heard several analyst say this was the best speech on race since MLK's I have a dream speech.

Don't mind BBD's "white people" comment. He's fanning the flames. His wife is white.

I'm with you on everything you said.

Offline OleJ

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Anybody see Obama's speech on TV this morning? What do ya think?
Is this focus on Rev. Jeremiah Wright's statements a side issue inflated by the Press, or a main issue?

I can think of more important things to worry about, such as the dragged-out expensive war in Iraq, millions of Americans without healthcare, our national debt being outsourced to China, the Fed bailing out Wall Street (they can only cut interest rates so far, can't get below zero, what then?), budget-busting tax rebates, rising gas prices, the fall of our dollar, the mortgage crisis and other symptoms of our plummeting economy...

They're trying to tear Obama down by any means possible. This would be a non-issue had Dr. Wright not been Obama's former pastor, you'll probably find HUNDREDS of churches with predominately black congregations where similar messages are preached. I don't seem to recall any tearing down of John Hagee or the late Jerry Falwell by the right wing, and they've said some TRULY hate tinged things from the pulpit that right wingers just eat up. Even Ron Paul said we were attacked on 9/11 because we'd "pissed off" the Muslim World, where's the call to "lynch" Mr. Paul? Well I guess his not winning the Republican nomination is the punishment he got for that.

Lots of people claim to be "prophets" and such, but Dr. Wright was truly prophesying from the pulpit that day. The late Bishop G.E. Patterson once said that "some preachers have a lot of zeal and no knowledge", and we can clearly see that Dr. Wright is educated and has knowledge. He wasn't telling you to get up and spin around 3 times for a new car and then turn to your neighbor and say "I know I'm blessed!", he was telling it like it IS! White folks didn't want to hear the truth because it HURTS. Jesus told the Truth and he got crucified. Malcolm and MLK told the truth and they were killed.

I've been pointing this out at various forums. I find it fairly comical how the right wingers have embraced MLK as a "great American hero", yet he was "militant" like Dr. Wright. I read in a book by Coretta Scott King that MLK Jr. was to preach a sermon on Sunday, April 7th titled "Why America May Be Going to Hell", but he was shot in Memphis on Thursday, April 4th. I'm pretty sure that would make Bubba and friends more mad than "The Eagle Stirreth Her Nest".

Dr. Wright is a frequent guest minister at my church home. I haven't confirmed it, but someone told me that he's supposed to be preaching at our church on this 5th sunday. Now, that goes against what I heard about him being on a 3 month long sabbatical. I suppose he may have changed his mind, but if he truly is coming, I'll be in the choir stand. Perhaps I'll need to buy a 3 pack of handkerchiefs to throw at him when he starts truth telling? LOL.
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Somebody say 'white people'?  :-\
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Offline OleJ

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Somebody say 'white people'?  :-\

I don't think they're referring to you, that is, unless you're against efforts to combat racism and other forums of social inequality (and since you're a member of this forum I don't think that you're one of those guys). ;)
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I don't think they're referring to you, that is, unless you're against efforts to combat racism and other forums of social inequality (and since you're a member of this forum I don't think that you're one of those guys). ;)

I'm against those who are against Jesus...and even then, I'm supposed to love my enemy so I guess, ultimately, I'm against no one...BUT I am a "white people" (I guess...I'm sort of fleshy-reddish-pink, actually) and I tend to vote more 'right' than 'left' and usually do so from a perspective of choosing a lesser of 2 evils although, if you really want to know how I feel, I believe that MOST politicians are against the greater good of the people that they serve and are in the position that they're in more for their very own benefit and little else.
If you really want to know.
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Offline BigFoot_BigThumb

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Re: Right Wing Attacks on Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Trinity UCC
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2008, 04:26:47 PM »
Anybody see Obama's speech on TV this morning? What do ya think?
Is this focus on Rev. Jeremiah Wright's statements a side issue inflated by the Press, or a main issue?

I can think of more important things to worry about, such as the dragged-out expensive war in Iraq, millions of Americans without healthcare, our national debt being outsourced to China, the Fed bailing out Wall Street (they can only cut interest rates so far, can't get below zero, what then?), budget-busting tax rebates, rising gas prices, the fall of our dollar, the mortgage crisis and other symptoms of our plummeting economy...

As I said in an earlier reply, they are afraid now.  This to me is really a non-issue.  McCain is being endorsed by radical(IMO) televangelist Ron Parsley who made some controversial comments as well, but that story came and went.  The media just doesn;t seems to realize that when they try to hurt some people they actually help them.  Plus they are trying to catch Sen. Obama off guard thinking that he won't have a good answer or response.  Sen. Obama is actually showing how he handles (undue)pressure.  He's making the media look real stupid and it opened up a forum for him to address a topic that he really didn't want to make a main focus.  But the media kept taking it there and he had to call them on it.  They just helped this man win some more fans and supporters.  Now let's see what they do.   
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Offline betnich

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I find it fairly comical how the right wingers have embraced MLK as a "great American hero", yet he was "militant" like Dr. Wright.

Reminds me of our Lord's comment about people making memorials to the prophets they killed...

Offline jdholliday

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Re: Right Wing Attacks on Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Trinity UCC
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2008, 04:37:00 PM »

As I said in an earlier reply, they are afraid now.  This to me is really a non-issue.  McCain is being endorsed by radical(IMO) televangelist Ron Parsley who made some controversial comments as well, but that story came and went.  The media just doesn;t seems to realize that when they try to hurt some people they actually help them.  Plus they are trying to catch Sen. Obama off guard thinking that he won't have a good answer or response.  Sen. Obama is actually showing how he handles (undue)pressure.  He's making the media look real stupid and it opened up a forum for him to address a topic that he really didn't want to make a main focus.  But the media kept taking it there and he had to call them on it.  They just helped this man win some more fans and supporters.  Now let's see what they do.   

Some have tried to link Mccain to Hagee & Parsley but the difference is he is not under thier pastorate. Just as Obama can't be blamed for Farakhan Mccain should not be blamed for those two. I don't believe Obama could be caught off guard about this because he took Pastor Wright off his program when he had a big rally at UIC pavillion here in Chicago right before he announced. The reason this has come out now is because he is a serious threat, Sean Hannity has been on this since March 07 so this really is an old story ::).

Offline chevonee

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I'm against those who are against Jesus...and even then, I'm supposed to love my enemy so I guess, ultimately, I'm against no one...BUT I am a "white people" (I guess...I'm sort of fleshy-reddish-pink, actually) and I tend to vote more 'right' than 'left' and usually do so from a perspective of choosing a lesser of 2 evils although, if you really want to know how I feel, I believe that MOST politicians are against the greater good of the people that they serve and are in the position that they're in more for their very own benefit and little else.
If you really want to know.

I agree 100%!!!! Its unfortunate but true. I dare not say that all of them are that way but a majority are in it for themselves. The proof is in how they vote for issues that concerns the people...especially when it comes to those who have to vote for what is passed or not passed.  :-X :-X
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Offline BigFoot_BigThumb

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Here's the other funny thing about it.  The comments in question are from a 2003 sermon.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.  They're puling up some old stuff that may have been influenced by some of Rev. Wright's personal experience or something that happened in the city of Chicago. 

In a lot of ways, Rev. Wright is speaking the truth.  Some of the people commenting have never received the treatment that many of us as black people have received in our lives.  Even in this day and age, I have experienced blatant racism.  I have been called the N-word to my face.  I have been overlooked in business situations becaue of my skin color.  I have had my intelligence dismissed, and then my ideas stolen without getting the proper credit.  I've had white salespeople literally ignore me when I walked into a store and run to the next white person that came in.  Needless to say I took my business elsewhere.  In THIS day and age I have experienced this.  So the truth in Rev. Wright's comments is lost or conveniently overlooked for the sake of creating controversy.  Twisting things is the media's job. 

They're going so far as to label Sen. Obama's comments as the defining moment of his campaign and career.  To me that says that they think it's going to do him in.  I'm just waiting on Hillerah's(int) response to this.  I'm sure she'll try to discredit them to her advantage.
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Offline gtrdave

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Re: Right Wing Attacks on Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Trinity UCC
« Reply #30 on: March 18, 2008, 08:14:11 PM »
Sean Hannity has been on this since March 07 so this really is an old story ::).

If I'm not mistaken, CNN did one of the earliest pieces on Rev. Wright and his potentially controversial sermon topics and/or beliefs.
I remember seeing it on tv well over a year ago if I'm not mistaken. I know it was before Obama formally announced his run for the presidency.
I know it wasn't Fox news as I do not get that cable channel. Maybe it was ABC or similar...

Everything else aside, Rev. Wright's past comments about the events of September 11th and the way he justifies connecting that to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki just baffles my mind.
How he can resolve the 2 very different situations is way beyond any reasonable thinking, imho.

Bottom line: all this is is playing politics as usual by trying to imply guilt by association. Hilary's character can easily be called into question because of the immorality and unethical practices of her husband, McCain gets beaten up by conservatives because of his professional associations with senators in the Democratic party and now Obama gets grilled because of what his pastor or former pastor has said.

It's politics, plain and simple.
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Offline sjonathan02

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I'm against those who are against Jesus...and even then, I'm supposed to love my enemy so I guess, ultimately, I'm against no one...BUT I am a "white people" (I guess...I'm sort of fleshy-reddish-pink, actually) and I tend to vote more 'right' than 'left' and usually do so from a perspective of choosing a lesser of 2 evils although, if you really want to know how I feel, I believe that MOST politicians are against the greater good of the people that they serve and are in the position that they're in more for their very own benefit and little else.
If you really want to know.

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Offline Lildrummaboy66

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Offline ssabass

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Rev. Jeramih Wright, was right on the mark. It upset a whole lot of people, but when you really preach the word correctly it tends to shake some people up. America has to be delt with for its disobedience. The Bible clearly deals with the consequences of disobedience. America has more blood on its hands, than any other country.  From Slavery to this unjust war that we are in as we speak & everything in between. Rev. Wright is a brillant man, he knows that Bible & what I love about the Brotha is that, he is not afraid to speak it, even if it does ruffle some peoples feathers. Any black man or woman that dare to speak the truth has always been called a racist, hate monger, anti this & anti that. I watched those alot of those teaching that the media is referring to & like always they'll take what someone says out of context.

Offline B3Wannabe

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Rev. Jeramih Wright, was right on the mark. It upset a whole lot of people, but when you really preach the word correctly it tends to shake some people up. America has to be delt with for its disobedience. The Bible clearly deals with the consequences of disobedience. America has more blood on its hands, than any other country.  From Slavery to this unjust war that we are in as we speak & everything in between. Rev. Wright is a brillant man, he knows that Bible & what I love about the Brotha is that, he is not afraid to speak it, even if it does ruffle some peoples feathers. Any black man or woman that dare to speak the truth has always been called a racist, hate monger, anti this & anti that. I watched those alot of those teaching that the media is referring to & like always they'll take what someone says out of context.

They also made it seem bad that he interacted with Louis Farrakhan. What they should've pointed out was that people from different religions were able to come together. Too often we use the "separate from them" mentality, which turns into an "everyone else is going to hell" mentality.

Offline Big T.

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Rev. Jeramih Wright, was right on the mark. It upset a whole lot of people, but when you really preach the word correctly it tends to shake some people up. America has to be delt with for its disobedience. The Bible clearly deals with the consequences of disobedience. America has more blood on its hands, than any other country.  From Slavery to this unjust war that we are in as we speak & everything in between. Rev. Wright is a brillant man, he knows that Bible & what I love about the Brotha is that, he is not afraid to speak it, even if it does ruffle some peoples feathers. Any black man or woman that dare to speak the truth has always been called a racist, hate monger, anti this & anti that. I watched those alot of those teaching that the media is referring to & like always they'll take what someone says out of context.
Hum!! Someone else went through that same thing....of yeah, it was Jesus.
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Offline Bruh Kell

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George Bush says "God bless America and no place else" AND WE DON'T FIND ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT NOW DO WE?

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Offline B3Wannabe

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George Bush says "God bless America and no place else" AND WE DON'T FIND ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT NOW DO WE?

Are you sure that he says that? I know I heard it in "Head of State". Maybe they were mocking him.

Offline jdholliday

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George Bush says "God bless America and no place else" AND WE DON'T FIND ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT NOW DO WE?

He would never say that, it would be political suicide. I am no fan of GB but before we put out something like that we should do research ?/?

Offline Bruh Kell

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He would never say that, it would be political suicide. I am no fan of GB but before we put out something like that we should do research ?/?

No sir.................I most certainly do not need no research. 'specially since not a few times have I heard him say it on T.V.

Beside that though!

I disagree hard with Rev. Wright!
I Love You!!!
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