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Author Topic: Right Wing Attacks on Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Trinity United Church of Christ  (Read 2444 times)

Offline OleJ

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Since it's been found out that Barack Obama is a member of Rev. Wright's church, the right wingers have taken it upon themselves to try to tarnish the reputation of Barack Obama by any means neccessary, including the attempted tarnishing of this man of God and his church. They're a dirty bunch alright, since they can't find anything on Barack's character, they resort to making fun of his middle name like that talk show host did at a McCain function last night, someone releasing a picture of him in some native African garb (Bush has dressed in kente cloth before (shudders at the thought) but they didn't call him a terrorist), and now calling his church a "militant" church. Just because they fight for social justice for blacks, they're dangerous and racist? I guess Jesus ought to be on the terrorist list now too, helping those who can't help themselves. That's commie talk!  ::)

Now, I attend Trinity's sister church down here in Houston, and Rev. Wright has preached NUMEROUS times down here. I normally wouldn't get upset over something like this, but it hits a little closer to home, and I wouldn't be suprised if the right wing tried to attack our church too on a local scale. They call themselves "evangelicals" and whatever, but their attacks and lies and everyday doings aren't very Christian now are they? Maybe I ought to go do some "Stomp the Devil's Head" holy ghost dancing to feel better, lol, but I just needed to rant.
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Yea i read some nonsense about the church being racist because they say that they are unashamedly african american.  So do people expect that they should be? What the mess?

Offline Furious Styles

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This is only a tune up to what will happen when Mccain and Obama face off in the fall. Many people over the years have been fooled into thinking that all evangelicals are devout christians. The ones that are the face of the movement are not. They relish there role in the political process and specialize in passive social justice. It is not a suprise when right wingers hate it when black people reinforce our idenity. Some blacks in this movement are repulsed by this because most of them just want to assimilate into the dominate culture peacefully. Both of these sentiments have roots in times past when blacks were expected to know their place and if we got out of it then we were put back in. Now the physical terror of yesteryear as been reduced to police brutality, suped up drug sentences, supression of voting rights, frivilous debates on the impact of Affirmitive actions on more qualified whites and the list goes on and on.

America though still ignorant of the vices of the past, can now get a small glimpse of truth due to this age of information that the youtube generation demands and even filters... I'm never disturbed by these religious, political, and social darwanistic racists who masquerade as "christians". Every chance that I get I love to bust their weak theologies of America being the moral authority of the world. I love it when I give historical and scriptural fact that shows otherwise.. Americans hates to see its true reflection from the mirror of its most disenfranchised citizens. Barack shows the grace, intelligence and potential of those we easily give up on.. They fill our prisons..... Soapbox.... More on that later...
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Offline OleJ

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This is only a tune up to what will happen when Mccain and Obama face off in the fall. Many people over the years have been fooled into thinking that all evangelicals are devout christians. The ones that are the face of the movement are not. They relish there role in the political process and specialize in passive social justice. It is not a suprise when right wingers hate it when black people reinforce our idenity. Some blacks in this movement are repulsed by this because most of them just want to assimilate into the dominate culture peacefully. Both of these sentiments have roots in times past when blacks were expected to know their place and if we got out of it then we were put back in. Now the physical terror of yesteryear as been reduced to police brutality, suped up drug sentences, supression of voting rights, frivilous debates on the impact of Affirmitive actions on more qualified whites and the list goes on and on.

America though still ignorant of the vices of the past, can now get a small glimpse of truth due to this age of information that the youtube generation demands and even filters... I'm never disturbed by these religious, political, and social darwanistic racists who masquerade as "christians". Every chance that I get I love to bust their weak theologies of America being the moral authority of the world. I love it when I give historical and scriptural fact that shows otherwise.. Americans hates to see its true reflection from the mirror of its most disenfranchised citizens. Barack shows the grace, intelligence and potential of those we easily give up on.. They fill our prisons..... Soapbox.... More on that later...

Good words! I like your comment on Affirmative Action. If "they" truly want a world where Affirmative Action is no longer needed, make a law that makes asking for race or ethnicity info on a job or school application illegal, but they wouldn't like that either. Such color blind applications are already being used in some schools, and whites aren't benefitting from it, the Asian-Americans are the ones who are so far benefitting the best from color blind applications. I can see it now. "A minority exceeding the majority by leaps and bounds? Oh no, we can't have this!" ::)
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Offline BigFoot_BigThumb

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The only reason that someone has delved this far into Obama's history is because they are now really afraid beause they see that he really has a chance.  Hilary Clinton's camp and the Republicans are getting desperate now and they're gonna do all that they can to try and tear this man down.  It's only going to get crazier as long as Obama is going strong.  I guess they didn't expect America to really get behind and support this man like they have.  They're even trying to question his fundraising because he has raised so much money in record time. 
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Offline Big T.

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The only reason that someone has delved this far into Obama's history is because they are now really afraid beause they see that he really has a chance.  Hilary Clinton's camp and the Republicans are getting desperate now and they're gonna do all that they can to try and tear this man down.  It's only going to get crazier as long as Obama is going strong.  I guess they didn't expect America to really get behind and support this man like they have.  They're even trying to question his fundraising because he has raised so much money in record time. 
Amen to that!!!
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Offline bigblackdrummer

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Again, white people!  ::)
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Offline jdholliday

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Again, white people!  ::)

My friend, that is a very CHRIST like view you have ?/? :o ::)

Offline under13

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Just because they fight for social justice for blacks, they're dangerous and racist? I guess Jesus ought to be on the terrorist list now too, helping those who can't help themselves. That's commie talk!  ::)

So are you saying that black people cant help themselves???  Just askin

Offline OleJ

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So are you saying that black people cant help themselves???  Just askin

You have misconstrued my words. If blacks could not help themselves as you put it, then Trinity, which is black congregation, could not help blacks (themselves) who need it now could they?
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You have misconstrued my words. If blacks could not help themselves as you put it, then Trinity, which is black congregation, could not help blacks (themselves) who need it now could they?

So who exactly are "those who can't help themselves" ;)

Offline OleJ

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So who exactly are "those who can't help themselves" ;)

Homeless, poor, anyone who's been outcast from society and in this case, resides in the black community.
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Homeless, poor, anyone who's been outcast from society and in this case, resides in the black community.

Thanks for clarifying. Though I think Poor could help themselves socially if they tried.

I agree with big foot big thumb. A lot of White people are getting scared now that hilary is making a fool out of herself, and nobody seems to care about McCain.

And that pic of obama wearing african gear, trying to portray him as a muslim just made them look like hypocrites. Hillary preaches against racism, then her camp releases photos and alegations ike that like that ?/?

Offline BigFoot_BigThumb

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My friend, that is a very CHRIST like view you have ?/? :o ::)

BBD does have a point.  It may come across as generalizing a whole due to the actions of a few, but it is a valid staement.  Do you think the some white people don't have a problem with the possibility of Barack Obama becoming the President simply because of his skin color, or even his name?  They have been throwing around his full name(Barack Hussien Obama,Jr .) lately alluding to Muslim or terrorist ties, when it's simply a cultural name be it that he is named after his father who was African.  That is a turning a blind eye to diversity. Even Sen. Obama's "blackness" and whether or not he is a "true American" due to his ethnic(mixed) background has come into question

I'll just say it.  "White America" (and it does exist) is really afraid right now.  "White America" is not an actual geographical location, it is a seperatist mentality that exists due to a surpremcist attitude.  If Sen. Obama had dropped out of the race, or had been losing all of these primaries, then all of this stuff would not be coming out.  I'm not neccessarily endorsing Sen. Obama, but I am impressed with his progress.  It says a lot about our country. 

Although I would be proud by default if he was to succeed in his campaign, I haven't dismissed the possibilty that the Republicans are actually covertly supporting him so that he can win the Democratic nomination.  With them thinking that it would bring out the oppostion in force to assure that the Republican candidate will win the Presidency in a landslide victory not due to the true support of their candidate, but due to the fear of a Black man actually having the chance to run this country.  So BBD is not unfounded in his aforementioned statement. 

Alrighty, I'm done.
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Offline 3rd-Day

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Woooo-weeeee!! Its jumpin up in here!!!
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Offline jdholliday

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BBD does have a point.  It may come across as generalizing a whole due to the actions of a few, but it is a valid staement.  Do you think the some white people don't have a problem with the possibility of Barack Obama becoming the President simply because of his skin color, or even his name?  They have been throwing around his full name(Barack Hussien Obama,Jr .) lately alluding to Muslim or terrorist ties, when it's simply a cultural name be it that he is named after his father who was African.  That is a turning a blind eye to diversity. Even Sen. Obama's "blackness" and whether or not he is a "true American" due to his ethnic(mixed) background has come into question

I'll just say it.  "White America" (and it does exist) is really afraid right now.  "White America" is not an actual geographical location, it is a seperatist mentality that exists due to a surpremcist attitude.  If Sen. Obama had dropped out of the race, or had been losing all of these primaries, then all of this stuff would not be coming out.  I'm not neccessarily endorsing Sen. Obama, but I am impressed with his progress.  It says a lot about our country. 

Although I would be proud by default if he was to succeed in his campaign, I haven't dismissed the possibilty that the Republicans are actually covertly supporting him so that he can win the Democratic nomination.  With them thinking that it would bring out the oppostion in force to assure that the Republican candidate will win the Presidency in a landslide victory not due to the true support of their candidate, but due to the fear of a Black man actually having the chance to run this country.  So BBD is not unfounded in his aforementioned statement. 

Alrighty, I'm done.
While you make some good points, I have heard more "white people" say that the use of his middle name is an effort by a few to raise fear. Even Karl Rove said that using these tactics won't work & warned the Repubs not to go there. As to him being "black" enough that has come from our community by the same crowd that thinks you have to have 3k dollar rims on a 1k car. I agree that "White America" does exist but so does "Black America" case in point the thread how do you know you are in a black church. My point about being Christ like was that we don't play an eye for an eye. Just yesterday some where questioning Mccain being eligible to run because he was born on a navy base outside of the U.S, we must make sure that we are not having a victim mentality, & always looking for the bogey man to jump out. If we unify as a people & encourage our community to not be apathetic Barak Obama will win, if not he will lose. That's my 1 1/2 pennies.

Offline BigFoot_BigThumb

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While you make some good points, I have heard more "white people" say that the use of his middle name is an effort by a few to raise fear. Even Karl Rove said that using these tactics won't work & warned the Repubs not to go there. As to him being "black" enough that has come from our community by the same crowd that thinks you have to have 3k dollar rims on a 1k car. I agree that "White America" does exist but so does "Black America" case in point the thread how do you know you are in a black church. My point about being Christ like was that we don't play an eye for an eye. Just yesterday some where questioning Mccain being eligible to run because he was born on a navy base outside of the U.S, we must make sure that we are not having a victim mentality, & always looking for the bogey man to jump out. If we unify as a people & encourage our community to not be apathetic Barak Obama will win, if not he will lose. That's my 1 1/2 pennies.

Very good points you bring up and I do agree with you.  Basically in life, especially in politics, nobody tends to care unless you are succeeding in something.  Then they spend all of their time trying to tear you down.  We do it to each other as black people, and it's done as a whole.  That's why gossip sites try to dig up dirt on celebrites only when they are popular, or if they have fallen on hard times.  It's done in the church, it's done in families, it's done in education, etc.  Sadly, it's the way of the world.       
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Re: Right Wing Attacks on Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Trinity UCC
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2008, 11:16:54 AM »
Anybody see Obama's speech on TV this morning? What do ya think?
Is this focus on Rev. Jeremiah Wright's statements a side issue inflated by the Press, or a main issue?

I can think of more important things to worry about, such as the dragged-out expensive war in Iraq, millions of Americans without healthcare, our national debt being outsourced to China, the Fed bailing out Wall Street (they can only cut interest rates so far, can't get below zero, what then?), budget-busting tax rebates, rising gas prices, the fall of our dollar, the mortgage crisis and other symptoms of our plummeting economy...

Offline jdholliday

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Re: Right Wing Attacks on Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Trinity UCC
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2008, 11:47:24 AM »
Anybody see Obama's speech on TV this morning? What do ya think?
Is this focus on Rev. Jeremiah Wright's statements a side issue inflated by the Press, or a main issue?

I can think of more important things to worry about, such as the dragged-out expensive war in Iraq, millions of Americans without healthcare, our national debt being outsourced to China, the Fed bailing out Wall Street (they can only cut interest rates so far, can't get below zero, what then?), budget-busting tax rebates, rising gas prices, the fall of our dollar, the mortgage crisis and other symptoms of our plummeting economy...
It is a main issue because it goes to his judgement, but I think after that speech if they keep beating the drum about this the situation will turn around & make Obama look like the victim. I just heard several analyst say this was the best speech on race since MLK's I have a dream speech.

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Very good points you bring up and I do agree with you.  Basically in life, especially in politics, nobody tends to care unless you are succeeding in something.  Then they spend all of their time trying to tear you down.  We do it to each other as black people, and it's done as a whole.  That's why gossip sites try to dig up dirt on celebrites only when they are popular, or if they have fallen on hard times.  It's done in the church, it's done in families, it's done in education, etc.  Sadly, it's the way of the world.       
You're right about that dude.  It almost seems like some sort of flaw we have as people; to get a thrill from others' pain. 
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