was this 122 hooked up to the B3 when you bought it? if you take the back off,should have a 4x4 silver box off to the side with black red leads to terminals on the B3 preamp ,one with an insert that a tube goes into (12bh7) on the left side of the preamp near the transformer.other lines go to the power supply ,down the tubes by the volume switch to the outbox by the pedals.a stock B used that 5 pin for a pr,hr,jr seris tone cabinet.a 6122 or 8000 kit was used to connect a leslie,for a 122 (has the wiring to switch fast/slow etc) the 4x4 box.sounds like your' s has been set up for a 145 seris which is why the 122 won't work.probably lucky,if was wired for a 122 and you plugged in your 45 might have had some smoke.you may have damaged your amp-TIME to get a tech B4 you create some real problems