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Author Topic: VINNIE!!! Praise The Lord!  (Read 6142 times)

Offline bigblackdrummer

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Re: VINNIE!!! Praise The Lord!
« Reply #40 on: March 06, 2008, 06:43:14 PM »
Vinnie is different from other cats on the secular scene. I don't see him playing for artist with messages of sex, drugs and what not(you guys know what I'm talking about) Most church drummers are out there playing for secular hip-hop and r&b artist and their messages are usually the opposite of God's message. What are they doing helping them spread the message of the world? Why are they so worried to witness to one specific person instead of the whole crowd(masses)? I'm so sick of musicians using the excuse to witness to the artist as the reason why they play for secular artist. It's bull. You are either helping uplift the kingdom of God or the other way. Drumming is not just another regular job since we are christian. It has strings attached whenever you play for a secular artist. When you play that gig you're actually going to help spread their message. And what is the message in their songs? Cats seem so worried about secular artist being saved when they have most likely heard about God and have probably have chosen to keep living their life the way they are living....it just dont make sense to me.....and some of you guys are using Vinnie as an example of how God uses musicians that play for secular artist....yall ain't Vinnie.....God had something planned for him and now he can witness.....he was not born in the church and a lot of musicians have been and know the truth....we can't do what Vinnie is doing because that is him.....he was drumming before he was saved and now he has this big platform to tell people about Jesus.....we don't have that platform....our platform is the world....I don't know about you guys but God has been talking to me strongly lately.....not about this though...just general....telling me to get my things straight...I tried to ignore it but last night our youth pastor taught a lesson that was crazy......he was saying the same things to our youth....God moved in a powerful way last night with our youth....and when I read this thread I was just thinking...if I played a secular gig...how can I spread another message other than Jesus...just dont make sense.....and you guys can say...How about our regular jobs?..."are we witnessing?"...or...."so you're saying I can't sell to secular people".....it's different with music guys...it's so powerful.......and like BBD was saying...many people think they are saved just by being around christian everything...and that's so true....we are stuck getting (begging) our own people to serve God when they are already in church and know the truth....that's just ridiculous.....and we are only fooling ourselves.......it's time to go out of the church walls and bring people to Jesus....I mean that's what we are supposed to do.....I admit it too...I haven't been doing my job (witnessing as much as I should) and just living a life that's righteous unto God...for me it's time....

Actually I have to correct you with one name........Frank Zappa.
Mapex Drums, Grant Custom Basses, Carparelli Basses, Istanbul Cymbals,!


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Re: VINNIE!!! Praise The Lord!
« Reply #41 on: March 06, 2008, 06:49:34 PM »
Actually I have to correct you with one name........Frank Zappa.

....'cause anybody who'd give their children names like Moon Unit, Dweezil, or Diva Thin Muffin...

...they're probably abusing some drug. Ha. Frank was the man, though.

Offline soul_drummer

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Re: VINNIE!!! Praise The Lord!
« Reply #42 on: March 06, 2008, 09:23:56 PM »
Actually I have to correct you with one name........Frank Zappa.

cool...I didn't know that....:-*
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