Chevonnee sent these to me or the music a while back and I just added some alternate chords and the change to the second part...
...also Jamal Hartwell has a video lesson on this song, check his site it may still be out there...
"We Fall Down" the musician is playing in Ab
Basically the same as how I play it: see below
/C, - We
/Ab, - Fall
Db/AbCEbF - Db7+9 - Down (alternate Db/FBbCEb) or (DbAbDb/FCF)
/Eb, - and
/F, - we
/Ab, - get
FCEb/GAbBbEb - Fm7+9 - up (or play just the Fm7 - FEb/AbCEbAb)
again same through this part
Here is the change
/C, - for
/Db, - a
G/EbGBbEb - Saint
Eb - is
Ab/EbAbCEb - just
Eb - a
G/EbGBbEb, /Db, - sin-ner
Ab/EbAbC - who
CE/BbEbAb or D/CDEAb - fell (Passing chords to Db chord)
Db/AbCEbF - down (see alternates above or use rh inversions)
/F, - and
/Ab, - got
FCEb/GAbBbEb - up (Fm7, and number of things you can use)
Here is the change up in chords same for bridge, whole song
/C, - We
/Ab, - fall
GbDbAb/DbFBb - Down
/Eb, - but
/F, - we
/Ab, - get
FCEb/EbGAbC - up
/C, - We
/Ab, - fall
BGbBb/BDbEbGb - down
/Eb, - but
/F, - we
/Ab, - get
BbFAb/CDbEbAb - up
/C, - We
/Ab, - fall
EbBbEb/GbBbDbF - down, but
AbEb/GbBbCF - we get (or Tritone-sub with D in Bass same chord)
Db/FBbCEb - up