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Author Topic: Help!!!  (Read 1514 times)

Offline Matt2008

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« on: February 18, 2008, 02:11:19 PM »
I'm a brand spanking new organist with no experience what do i do to pick up quick n fast and please send the chords or progressions this way!! Whatever you have send it to me b/c I need to learn fast.....!! ?/?

Offline T-Block

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Re: Help!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2008, 06:47:09 AM »
I'm a brand spanking new organist with no experience what do i do to pick up quick n fast and please send the chords or progressions this way!! Whatever you have send it to me b/c I need to learn fast.....!! ?/?

Ummm...why do you need to learn fast?  It sounds like this is more of a want or peer pressure.  My advice is to take it slow and learn at your own pace.  You (or whoever is pressuring) are not going to die because you can't play the organ fast enough.  Things were going good w/out you on the organ before right?  Then they should continue to go good as you learn and become the best u can be.
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Offline mrspanish

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Re: Help!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2008, 07:02:30 AM »

Offline bishopcole

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Re: Help!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2008, 09:26:19 AM »
I'm a brand spanking new organist with no experience what do i do to pick up quick n fast and please send the chords or progressions this way!! Whatever you have send it to me b/c I need to learn fast.....!! ?/?

Doc, welcome to Lgm!!, NOW... just like T-BLOCK THE MASTER stated, you have got a lot to learn first and you really need to start on the piano before trying to tackle the MONSTER B3!!! Now, this is advice from a vet Doc!!!  Bishop Cole
"Stay in God Always"  - Bishop Lamar Cole
"It's not about the Music, it's about the Ministry"

Offline Matt2008

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Re: Help!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2008, 03:47:57 PM »
Our min of music has just left and mydad/pastor is filling in on the organ/boards.  So there is a hassel of playing then preaching ! When I really am a Praise and Worship Leader!! But I can play a little bit so I am trying to soak as much as I can so that i can relieve that burden from off of him!! But I totally got that whole sit back and chill and learn thing you guys said!! BUT I STILL NEED SOME KIND OF Chord progressions/riffs/ how to..../ info or websites or dvds something!!
Yours in THE FOLD!

Offline boneyee

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Re: Help!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2008, 07:11:18 PM »
I would suggest purchasing Organ Essentials 2 - Practical Application or P.J. Morgan Ultimate Organ DVD. You can order these DVDs and others at www.showmethat.com  If you're still not sure what DVDs may suite you, just call Sebastian and explain to him what you're looking for. His phone number should be on the website.

Remember you have to walk before you can run.

God Bless.

Offline h313w

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Re: Help!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2008, 10:28:20 PM »

Doc, welcome to Lgm!!, NOW... just like T-BLOCK THE MASTER stated, you have got a lot to learn first and you really need to start on the piano before trying to tackle the MONSTER B3!!! Now, this is advice from a vet Doc!!!  Bishop Cole

he ain' lying. he is the vet-narian. i won' sound a broken record. they already told you 2 slow down. . . plus like a person up here is doing, she is still getting paid while learning song "fast". i know that's right.
I'm not finished playing

Offline bishopcole

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Re: Help!!!
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2008, 11:15:08 PM »
Our min of music has just left and mydad/pastor is filling in on the organ/boards.  So there is a hassel of playing then preaching ! When I really am a Praise and Worship Leader!! But I can play a little bit so I am trying to soak as much as I can so that i can relieve that burden from off of him!! But I totally got that whole sit back and chill and learn thing you guys said!! BUT I STILL NEED SOME KIND OF Chord progressions/riffs/ how to..../ info or websites or dvds something!!
Yours in THE FOLD!

Doc, pm Sam Tolbert, AKA "SOUNDOFJOY" as he has a great beginners cd lesson that I highly recommend for you. Tell him Bishop Cole sent you!  Bishop Cole
"Stay in God Always"  - Bishop Lamar Cole
"It's not about the Music, it's about the Ministry"

Offline brodonny

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Re: Help!!!
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2008, 04:43:03 AM »

Offline T-Block

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Re: Help!!!
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2008, 06:49:01 AM »
he ain' lying. he is the vet-narian. i won' sound a broken record. they already told you 2 slow down. . . plus like a person up here is doing, she is still getting paid while learning song "fast". i know that's right.

That's another problem I see from beginners, they maybe learning songs fast, but still not making music.  You think if you know a few songs, a little shout run, and some phat chords then you a musician?  Not so.
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Offline under13

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Re: Help!!!
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2008, 08:04:19 AM »
You have to be patient, sure there are some musicians who learn to play like a "beast" in a few months, but that is not a realistic goal. Go get some music lessons. Better yet, let your father teach you! I'm sure he wont charge too much money.

Also check out that dvd boneyee recomended. I have it and it, and I think will help you

PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! All summer long I had been asking God to help me with my music, and these past few months he has given me so many opportunities

Below is my story, just to show you that you have to be patient (and pray)
In Fall of 2005, A coworker said that thier church needed an organist. So I went to rehearsal and played, but they said i wasnt good enough. Fast foward to Fall 2007. I visited the chuch, just to visit. I spoke to the bass player, He said that all of the musicians were gonna be away, so he asked could I fill in, Having not heard me play since 2005. So I fill in, do a decent job and now I'm playing for them full time.

Now I'm also playing for a couple of groups, soloist and evangelist

To all those starting out in church, remember to be patient, practice and PRAY

Offline trinatrine

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Re: Help!!!
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2008, 02:41:46 PM »
I have read all the responses and ALL are so right  ;).  Please don't rush and feel pressured by anyone.  Remember that you have a responsibility to learn your craft at your own pace.  Sure, there are a lot of musicians that can play beastly but some might not be able to get the job to play for the American Idol band because they can't read or understand theory.  This is what seperates you from being just any musician but a musician that is eclectic in ALL areas.  Take your time, pray without ceasing, trust in the Lord and know that Trina Trine loves and supports you!  We're all here to learn and help each other!  MUAH!
No matter what people say about you, know that God has a perfected plan for you!  Remain faithful!

Offline Matt2008

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Re: Help!!!
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2008, 02:17:04 PM »
Thank you for all  you all's input and help and stories!! You have encouraged me and taught me a little something! may GOD's grace rest upon you all!!
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