No, not really. I'm trying to find some scale runs, do you kind of understand now?
Oh ok I gotcha. Have you tried the blues scale? That's how I do my runs...
Gospel Blues Scales in all 12 keysFormula= 1, b3, 4, #4, 5, b7
C= C,Eb,F,F#,G,Bb
C#/Db= C#,E,F#,G,G#,B OR Db,E,Gb,G,Ab,B
D= D,F,G,G#,A,C
D#/Eb= D#,F#,G#,A,A#,C# OR Eb,Gb,Ab,A,Bb,Db
E= E,G,A,A#,B,D
F= F,Ab,Bb,B,C,Eb
F#/Gb= F#,A,B,C,C#,E OR Gb,A,B,C,Db,E
G= G,Bb,C,C#,D,F
G#/Ab= G#,B,C#,D,D#,F# OR Ab,B,Db,D,Eb,Gb
A= A,C,D,D#,E,G
A#/Bb= A#,C#,D#,E,F,G# OR Bb,Db,Eb,E,F,Ab
B= B,D,E,F,F#,A