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Author Topic: NEED SOME SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE  (Read 1558 times)

Offline Lilfingers

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« on: March 23, 2008, 11:14:01 AM »
Hello family,
I don't know what's wrong with me!  Maybe someone else has this problem also.  I've been playing on/off for over 25 years.  (I used to play for several churches) I've recently begun lessons again.  I think someone along the way may have hurt my feelings in that verbally said or just indicated that I couldn't play---that's why I say on/off. 

This morning a lady asked me to play for her---I did.  It was a song I have played for her many, many times before.  I have played it at home--but when I sat done, I was sooooo nervous and scared.  I messed up the song royally!!!  I know I can play the song---but why was I so scared?  What I can't put the runs and ruffs I had practiced?  What do I need to do?   Any advice will be appreciated!
I'm playing for God's Glory--not man's. LILFINGERS

Offline T-Block

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« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2008, 02:42:03 PM »
I understand exactly where u coming from.  When I first started playing in church, i was so nervous my hands shook uncontrollably and I also messed up songs that I had practiced over and over.  It's just stage fright, everyone experieces it from time to time, although it's real bad for some people.

The only way to get over the nervousness is to play in public more.  Also, play with the nervousness, don't back down and shy away.  If you stick with it, usually that nervous feeling will leave.  You have to keep in mind who you're playing for, God.  If you make a mistake, work with it, don't stop.  Most non-musicians can't tell the difference anyway, so just keep going and it will get easier.

I also get nervous when I attempt to play a new song in church.  I be wondering "Will my church like it?", and things like that.  Sometimes it comes out good, sometimes I bomb, LOL.
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Offline betnich

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« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2008, 03:43:55 PM »
Don't give up! You can learn more progressions, and that in turn will free up your playing...

Having been there, I realized that the more I focus on Who I play for, the less self-conscious I am...

I'm convinced that the Lord can even use our MISTAKES...


Offline Fenix

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« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2008, 09:13:06 AM »
Man i feel you. I also bombed HORRIBLY in church this past Sunday. To top it all off it was Easter Sunday!!!

T is right, its pure stage fright. When i am at home, it sounds So good, but when i get to church, i break down completely. I can't tell a I chord from a III chord and my fingers seem to get stuck. After about 5 minutes, i start to relax and get in the flow.

What i advise is, if you are playing form church, get there early, run through some scales and stuff, get yourself loose and start simple. Don't do fancy runs and all that if you are nervous. Play simple chords then start to branch out bit by bit until you are super comfortable.

Stay blessed.
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Offline SisterT

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« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2008, 09:17:20 AM »
Don't beat yourself up over it. It happens sometimes.

One time a visiting preacher started singin "Father I stretch my hands to Thee" right before his message. I had played the song so many times, but that day, I went blank!! I jacked it up and laughed afterwards!!  ;)

Offline under13

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« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2008, 09:35:23 AM »
I used to get nervous all the time. Then one day I was going too play for an evangelist, and when I was in the car, I was Sweating with nervousnes. Then I remembered, the anointing oil that was in the glove box.I put some of it on and prayed, and I havent been nervous ever since.

My advice to you is to pray, and have others pray for you.

As for messing up. If you mess up, dont make a big deal out of it. There is always next time.
If you listen to a musician long enough, he will make a mistake. Even the best ones that we all look up to, make mistakes.

And God doesnt look at your chords, he looks at your heart.

Offline Val215

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« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2008, 09:35:40 AM »
I screwed up this past Sunday as well. I had to play "How Great Thou Art" for a lady as a solo and she specifically wanted to sing the song in the key of G (and mind you we practiced in that key :D). Well I had completely forgot that she wanted to sing the song in that key and I played it in Bb (the original key in the hymnal). She pulled it off but once she finished the first chorus, she turned to me and said...that's not G. I laughed it off and quickly switched to G. She was doing great in Bb. She wasn't mad or anything, but I was kind of disappointed in myself. But sometimes things happen. I was totally off in my playing at church all day yesterday...starting with the 6am Sunrise Service. I was tired and sometimes we have bad days.
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Offline Bullitt

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« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2008, 10:13:51 AM »
Never give up man!  Regardless of how often we play in front of people, everyone gets a little stage fright from time to time.  Personally, I think it's kinda health since it keeps us humble (well, for me at least lol). 

In times like that, just try to forget about everyone else and remember that you really only have an audience of one....Jesus Christ.  :)

God Bless,

Offline T-Block

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« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2008, 11:53:37 AM »
I was tired and sometimes we have bad days.

You can say that again.  I think I been having a bad couple of weeks, LOL.
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Offline Fenix

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« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2008, 12:55:55 PM »
You can say that again.  I think I been having a bad couple of weeks, LOL.

Man, i wish i had one of your "bad" days. They probably sound much better than my best days.
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« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2008, 04:32:42 PM »
Man, i wish i had one of your "bad" days. They probably sound much better than my best days.

Hehehe, i feel U man ;)

Anyway, the guys have said it all...we all have that time when we just mess up..the key is not to take it to heart but laugh it off, especially if U know U've put in the effort behind the scenes..

Never give up man!  Regardless of how often we play in front of people, everyone gets a little stage fright from time to time.  Personally, I think it's kinda health since it keeps us humble (well, for me at least lol). 

In times like that, just try to forget about everyone else and remember that you really only have an audience of one....Jesus Christ.  :)

God Bless,

Well said there.
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Offline B3Wannabe

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« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2008, 04:36:41 PM »
I played "Take my life (Holiness)" with our choir on Guitar last Sunday. I screwed the intro big time, and I had it during practice. We're having a musical this Saturday, and I'm trying to work the bugs out of it now!!!

;D ;D
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