...here ya go doc'. http://youtube.com/watch?v=5TAUHxiBwxQ&feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3xD4C8Jw9g&NR=1
Study Gadd, Weckl and Vinnie!!
I would suggest that you study the music of James Brown(I know that this is LGM). Study the MUSIC. Clyde Stubblefield and John "Jabo" Starks brought this style of playing into prominence years ago. Also Bernard Purdie implemeted this style on many recordings that he did. Ghost notes have been a part of my playing for about 20 years now.
You guys are TERRIBLE!! How can you have a discussion about ghost notes and NOT talk about David Garibaldi!!!Blastphemy!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d60DJ3URgU
That's cake - I'm trying to get the funky hi-hat with the ride bell pattern, while keeping that groove.
Nah, everything can be taught. You just have to learn how to explain what you're doing.
Umm.... I know that this guy's a legend and filth (replacement word for "stuff")..... but isn't the setup of David Garibaldi's kit..something that a lot of ya'll talk about as being bad for "drumming ergonomics?"
well ya i no that... but im not as good yall drummers here....I know SOME advance licks but dont no how or what the correct timing or the basic in playin...
Yeah you know how to program them in your keyboard and press start!
OK. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and take a guess as to what ojay is referring to. The angle of his snare. That is not something that most of us suggest when one asks as to how to setup. Also the angle of his toms appear to be steeper than most would suggest. I think thats what he was trying to get at.
Maybe it was the videocamera's angle that made it look non ergonomic to him.
...Look at pic' #2. Notice how his left hand is down and flat along with the stick? Remember that David G. is big on ghost notes so he sets up his snare to cater (sp?) to that. IMHO. There is nothing wrong with his tom angles either. (Pic' #1) Those are actually the same angles that Vinnie C. uses. The thing with David G. and Vinnie is that they don't set up their drums like X Magazine ad or how the hottest new drummer does. They set up to play and for what is comfortable for them with ergo in mind. FYI: Vinnie had to readjust his seating height too in later years. ...that too.