Hey, diligent-hands: dude-on-drums did not post anything negative about jtoomer's playing. In fact, from what I can decipher that he was making a funny to mirror your random comment, which was:
..and make sure u peep the 2:47 mark..
Here is what dude-on-drums posted:
I like what he did at the 2:53 mark!
Again, he was only mirroring your random comment, not attempting to tear anyone down. I believe that he did not mean any malice behind that comment. In fact, I even went back to look at the 2:47 mark. I didn't see any playing at that point, so I figured that you were being your usual silly self.
I'm also looking for a negative comment about jtoomer's clip, and I didn't see one. I understand that everyone wants to hear positive criticism about their playing, but sometimes you need to have a "Simon Cowell" in their life. I know that I was brought under some "Simon Cowell" type leaders in my percussive 'career', and I thank them for that. If it wasn't for their tough love (note the second word in that catch phrase), I would not criticize myself as hard as I do. I also subscribe to that same school of thought, and I feel that someone
could grow from that tough love (again, note the second word in that catch phrase).
See, that's the problem - everyone wants to be all "churchy" (pat. pending), but doesn't want to know the truth. Please understand that this is not to say that jtoomer's clip was not good, but just in general. "Churchy" is defined as everything being all good, "God bless ya!", "You sound real good!", et al. It seems that if it's something that isn't "of praise", you're 'hating' (another over used word).
Also, you can't always gather a poster's true emotion while reading the static text. Lighten up, diligent-hands.