"There is no need in becoming a technical giant, if you're not also a musical giant."
I think that the video should have started and ended right there. I think that this is where a lot of cats get frustrated and quit. Cats think that just because they do not have the blazing chops that they are lesser players. When you look at the cats with the killer grooves that are on wax, those cats are are not "blazers". As one of my good buddies put it "?uestlove is just another drummer with an afro." I honestly think that his true talent is lost on him (my buddy) because he isn't flying around his kit and playing in 10/16.
Chops are great. Don't get me wrong. But what good are all the chops in the world if you cant play the groove? You are worthless to any other musicians if you can't play with them. No matter what style you're playing.
Great post J.