Hello all once again.. I can't sleep so I thought I'd just keep on posting stuff.
This is a really nice jazzy ending in Bb that I hope you'll begin to use in your playing.
Here is the audio file of it.
http://www.learngospelmusic.com/media/albums/userpics/106308/Jazzy_Move_1.mp3Here are the chords.. let me preface these chords by saying that the basic chord name that I list is NOT the actual chord that I'm playing. I'm leaving the actual naming of the chord and stuff up to fam.
It'd be a good exercise for some one to try and nail what these chords really are!
LH/RH - Basic Chord Name
Bb/FACD - BbM7
Ab/GbBbCDF - Ab7
GF/CDFBb - Gm7
Db...FB/EbAbC -Db7
C...EBb/DF#AD,D,Eb - C7
F...GBb/EbGBbC,D - F
F...EbA/DbEbGbBb,C - F7
Gb..FAbBb/DbFBb - GbM7
Ab..GBbC/EbGC - AbM7
Bb..ACD/FAD - BbM7
Also be sure to listen to the sound file to hear the timing and feel of these chords!