here's my 2 cents, i was at a revival one time and while the preacher was preaching the musicians were playing don't leave by blackstreet. i was like what in the world. to me it doesn't matter what kind of training weather classical or lgm. it is to whom you present yourself to. all that we do should be to the glory of god. if jesus was in physical form in our churches today how would we present ourselves. some folks have lost touch with the reality that though christ is not here in physical form, but here in spirit; it seems to not matter. some of our churches as well as gospel musicians have lost sight of who gave them their gift in the first place. i've been playing for years and it's all free of charge cause god gave me this gift in the first place and all i did was ask. all that we do is on display. jesus said to let your light shine so all men can see. we are to mimic all that christ did. i don't recall the apostles rapping. the blood that was shed for all of us hasn't changed.all i'm saying is with the right attitude the gifts of god does what god says it can do, without any of us compromising with the world.