I'll be teaching ages 8-16. Most likely it will be the basic fundamentals like, notes sharps, flats, posture, music notation, chords (how to build them), really everything they need to know to start playing. Then show them common progressions, substitutions, altered notes and chords, neighboring and passing tones. Well I think you get the idea! I'll probably be teaching at my home or at my church. Well i'll leave on that note, I hope to hear from you soon. God bless you and your family!
Ok, I teach middle school (11-14/15).
I go from the beginning with the names of the lines and spaces of the Grand Staff to note names and their values (whole note = 4 beats, etc.)
Then, I go to accidentals; then intervals (half-steps and whole steps). Then, scales and how to build them (W,W,1/2, W, W, W, 1/2).
Now, that's nine weeks seeing the kids everyday. It's general music and I only have about a handful of kids who REALLY want to be there, while the rest, I may be able to get them to show an interest; and then, there's the remnant that wish they had PE.

I hope that helps. If you want, you can bounce ideas off of me. Last thing, with the younger kids, you've got to break stuff down;
ALL the way down so that they can understand it better.
Be blessed.