Ok, I am going to go ahead and do it this week. Well, In actuality I am not really switching but I am joining. I currently play for 2 churches. At one church my set up will primarily be all A Customs. At my other church, which currently has an A Custom setup also, will be swicthing over to using Sabians. So in short, one set will be sporting an all A Custom set up and the other one an all new Sabian (?) setup.
I am actually going to get into a store later on this week to play around with some when I get ready to make the purchase but I wanted to get some opinions of the LGM fam. The set up i am looking for is a 16 and 18 crash, 20 ride, 13 hats, 10 & 12 splash and I have to get an Ozone. I am looking into the HHX Evolutions but open to whatever sounds good to my ear.