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Author Topic: The Anointing  (Read 882 times)

Offline new2hammondC3

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The Anointing
« on: April 30, 2007, 07:49:20 PM »
I have been playing for approximately 2-3 years. Now I am beginning to understand the difference between being able to play "skillfully" and playing under the anointing. My question is can anyone point me to biblical references that I may read to encourage my spiritual growth as well as my playing.....preferably reference dealing with the anointing, understanding the anointing, and being a Levite. Thanks :)


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Re: The Anointing
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2007, 11:13:09 PM »
I don't have time to do scriptural right now but I will give you some good stuff that should help you.

First we must admit, without the anointing on our gift... it is nothing but NOISE, SOUND, A MELODY, A NOTE

The anointing takes our gift and add's that (quoting Emeral) special spice... BAM!!!!!

The anointing can truly work when we are able to move self out of the way.  This is done with our relationship with Jesus and our daily submission to Him.

Before you practice or play your instrument even if it be your voice... you must find the time to get your focus and talk to God. 

"Lord, thank you for THIS day and the gift you ALLOW me to use to lift YOU up.  I pray that you use me today in a mighty way that every note I play or sing breaks every yolk that would hinder your work.  Lord I submit my mind, my body and my talent to you that YOU may do through me what You want to do.  I can do nothing without you or your anointing and only through you am I able to bless others and exalt your name.  Thank you in faith for answering my prayer as I ask this of you in Jesus name... AMEN"

This is just an example but one that I use that works for me... When I "remember"(this is key, I'm guilty to) to do this, I'm bout ready to shout by the time I get through the prayer.  I get stirred up ever time.

Why get stirred up?  That gets your mind off of the world, the bills, work, the annoying neighbor, all the distractions that can hinder you from getting a blessing or in this case... being a blessing.

When we forget the world and focus on Jesus, then he can FREELY use us through His anointing.

I hope this has been helpful


Offline new2hammondC3

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Re: The Anointing
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2007, 06:25:13 PM »
Thanks man...I appreciate that

Offline Kevykev388

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Re: The Anointing
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2007, 06:40:47 PM »
I am one who plays under the annointing. I will admit I am very talented on the keys but talent is pushed to the side in church service. I will also admit at times I used to get discouraged or intemedated by other/better talented musicians that would visit my church or better yet play on the same afternoon program as me. They may be very talented, playing in every key, running and riffing all up and down 88 keys, but never touch a soul in the whole service. Now that I'm saved, and have made my relationship with God EVEN stronger, I understand his "annointing" on me. I understand that I now have to live up to my title...."minister of music". By this I dont mean choir director and so on and so on. What i mean is....MINISTER of (through) music. While in service I am playin according to the spirit of the Lord based on how much he is giving me at the time. Every high note hit, every riff or run is a blessing to SOMEONE in the audience! That is one thing a lot of "church" musicians loose focus of. Ministering to God's people through your Roland Fantom or Motif, instead of "amusing" yourSELF! Another thing I focus on is rather or not my soft and mellow chords help lead someone to Christ. Or, if my loud and "foot stomping" technique lead someone to get on their feet and give a praise to the Almighty! Just my view on....... playing under the ANNOINTING!

Keys, bass, drums, trombone, I sing a lil bit too lol
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