I got asked this question a few days ago, and I figured I would post my response as a director as well as hear and welcome your responses! Thanks guys
To me, a good choir director is one who firstly is led by God. Directing a choir is far more than just being up waving your arms and spinning around in a circle. A good choir director probably should be able to teach correct parts to the choir. If not teach, at least hear where there are errors and fix them. A Good Choir director should be able to follow the spirit in service or concert. If God says sing something else, then do it. A good choir director should be able to tie the musicians, soloist, and the choir into one big mass of excellence. A good choir director should have a connection with the band to know the ins and outs of how the music should sound...A good choir director should know when to cut a song, or when to keep it going (the holy spirt sure helps with that one)...A good choir Director should be able to take charge of rehearsal, or of a concert in the microphone...I believe a good choir director should also at least be able to sing a little bit to flow with the holy spirit...A good choir director should know lots of songs to be able to flow...
These are just some of the things i said...What do you all think??