Ok....Maybe this will be more fruitful.
1. Your bass line must be diatonic; no out of key bass lines. The chord doesn't have to be diatonic.
2. You can only post one chord per post.
3. You cannot make consecutive posts.
4. After 3 times around, the final "2" chord can be in any key (and the person can post up to 8 chords), after which, all chords must follow this key. Again, the bass line has to be diatonic.
5. Every 4th post, in the progression can post up to 4 chords, which can be out of key, but must still end on the diatonic.
"Diatonic" basically means playing only the notes within a scale. If the key is C, you can only use the notes "C, D, E, F, G, A, B". No flats or sharps.
Key C:
1. C-G / D-G-B