Examples are always good, however they don't explain concept. Who could possibly remember all of those settings? You could pick out a few that you like and after you have heard them and apply them, but you need a through understanding of the overtone series.
The Hammond Organ Company based the drawbars on the harmonic overtone series, which occurs naturally in nature. The Pythagorean theorum is the basis for how to tune pianos as well.
Hammond was trying to imitate the pipe organ sound electronically. The stops are called ranks on the pipe organ. Hammond originally called the drawbars "stops".
Do some research on these topics and you can create your own favorite drawbar setttings.
Before you can read you have to know the alphabet and how the symbols sound. Then you learn how the sounds go together to make words. Then you learn how the words go together to make sentences. ect...
Concept knowledge gives one a clear understanding of what is underneath the examples.
That's why I first learned the commands in DOS. That lead me to an understanding of computers and from there you can learn other languages.
Learn the basics....It's fundamental....
brother scott