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Author Topic: Chord Chart  (Read 47142 times)

Offline T-Block

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Chord Chart
« on: May 10, 2007, 06:57:50 PM »
This chord chart was posted in the Piano Room by Eman345.  I decided to repost it in here and add the formulas for each chord.  Yall should know how I am by now, all examples will be in the key of C:

Major = 1-3-5   (C Major or C = C-E-G)

Minor = 1-b3-5   (C Minor or Cm = C-Eb-G)

Dominant 7th = 1-3-5-b7   (C7 = C-E-G-Bb)

Minor 7th = 1-b3-5-b7   (Cm7 = C-Eb-G-Bb)

Major 7th = 1-3-5-7   (Cmaj7 or CM7 = C-E-G-B)

Dominant 7th (b5) = 1-3-b5-b7   (C7b5 = C-E-Gb-Bb)

Dominant 7th (#5) = 1-3-#5-b7   (C7#5 = C-E-G#-Bb)

Minor 7th (b5) / half-diminished 7th = 1-b3-b5-b7   (Cm7(b5) = C-Eb-Gb-Bb)

Dominant 7th (b9) = 1-3-5-b7-b9   (C7b9 = C-E-G-Bb-Db)

6th = 1-3-5-6   (C6 = C-E-G-A)

Minor 6th = 1-b3-5-6   (Cm6 = C-Eb-G-A)

6/9 = 1-3-5-6-9   (C 6/9 = C-E-G-A-D)

Dominant 9th = 1-3-5-b7-9 or 1-3-b7-9   (C9 = C-E-G-Bb-D or C-E-Bb-D)

Minor 9th = 1-b3-5-b7-9   (Cm9 = C-Eb-G-Bb-D)

Major 9th = 1-3-5-7-9   (Cmaj9 = C-E-G-B-D)

Add9 = 1-3-5-9 or 1-2-3-5   (Cadd9 = C-E-G-D or C-D-E-G)

Dominant 13th = 1-3-5-b7-9-11-13 or 1-3-b7-13   (C13 = C-E-G-Bb-D-F-A or C-E-Bb-A)

Sus2 = 1-2-5   (Csus2 = C-D-G)

Sus4 = 1-4-5   (Csus4 = C-F-G)

Diminished = 1-b3-b5   (Cdim = C-Eb-Gb)

Diminished 7th / Fully Diminished = 1-b3-b5-bb7   (Cdim7 = C-Eb-Gb-Bbb)

Augmented = 1-3-#5   (Caug = C-E-G#)

Here is the link to the original chord chart in the Piano Room:  http://www.learngospelmusic.com/forums/index.php/topic,42683.0.html
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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2007, 12:41:21 AM »
Thanks “T-Block” much appreciated... :)


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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2007, 06:29:49 PM »
Thanks SO much T-Block, i find reading it as a formula much better. Thanks
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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2007, 01:09:13 AM »
Thanks for breakin' it down, T-Block!  This is helpful.


Offline T-Block

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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2008, 02:51:59 PM »
Here is an updated chord list that includes just about every chord there is to play:

Chord Chart

*( ) = optional notes & examples using C root

Major = 1-3-5 (Cmaj, C, or CM = C-E-G)

5 (power chord = 1-5 (C5 = C-G)

Minor = 1-b3-5 (Cm = C-Eb-G)

Diminished / Minor (b5) = 1-b3-b5 (Cdim or Cm b5 = C-Eb-Gb)

Augmented / Major (#5) = 1-3-#5 (Caug or C #5 = C-E-G#)

Sus2 = 1-2-5 (Csus2 or C2 = C-D-G)

Sus4 = 1-4-5 (Csus4 = C-F-G)

6 = 1-3-5-6 (C6, Cmaj6, or CM6 = C-E-G-A)

Minor 6th  = 1-b3-5-6 (Cm6 = C-Eb-G-A)

Dominant 6/9 = 1-3-5-6-9 (C 6/9 or C6add9 = C-E-G-A-D)

Minor 6/9 = 1-b3-(5)-6-9 (Cm 6/9 = C-Eb-G-A-D)

Major 7th  = 1-3-5-7 (Cmaj7 or CM7 = C-E-G-B)

Major 7th (#5) = 1-3-#5-7 (CM7 #5 = C-E-G#-B)

Minor 7th  = 1-b3-5-b7 (Cm7 = C-Eb-G-Bb)

Minor 7th  (b5) / half-diminished 7th = 1-b3-b5-b7 (Cm7 (b5) = C-Eb-Gb-Bb)

Minor/Major 7th = 1-b3-5-7 (CmM7 = C-Eb-G-B)

Dominant 7th sus4 = 1-4-5-b7 (C7sus4 = C-F-G-Bb)

Dominant 7th  = 1-3-(5)-b7 (C7 or Cdom = C-E-G-Bb)

Dominant 7th  (b5) = 1-3-b5-b7 (C7 b5 = C-E-Gb-Bb)

Dominant 7th  (#5) = 1-3-#5-b7 (C7 #5 = C-E-G#-Bb)

Dominant 7th  (b9) = 1-3-(5)-b7-b9 (C7 b9 = C-E-G-Bb-Db)

Dominant 7th  (#9) = 1-3-(5)-b7-#9 (C7 b9 = C-E-G-Bb-D#)

Dominant 7th  (b5/b9) = 1-(3)-b5-b7-b9 (C7 b5/b9 = C-E-Gb-Bb-Db)

Dominant 7th  (#5/b9) = 1-(3)-#5-b7-b9 (C7 #5/b9 = C-E-G#-Bb-Db)

Dominant 7th  (b9/#11) = 1-(3)-(5)-b7-b9-#11 (C7 b9/#11 = C-E-G-Bb-Db-F)

Dominant 7th  (#11) = 1-(3)-(5)-b7-9-#11 (C7 #11 = C-E-G-Bb-D-F#)

Dominant 7/6 = 1-3-(5)-6-b7 (C7add6 = C-E-G-A-Bb)

Dominant 7/13 = 1-3-(5)-b7-13 (C 7/13 = C-E-G-Bb-A)

Diminished 7th  / Fully Diminished = 1-b3-b5-bb7 (Cdim7 = C-Eb-Gb-Bbb)

Add9 = 1-3-5-9 or 1-2-3-5 (Cadd9 = C-E-G-D or C-D-E-G)

Minor Add9 = 1-b3-(5)-9 (Cm9 = C-Eb-G-D)

Major 9th  = 1-3-(5)-7-9 (Cmaj9 or CM7add9 = C-E-G-B-D)

Minor 9th  = 1-b3-5-b7-9 (Cm9 = C-Eb-G-Bb-D)

Minor/Major 9th = 1-b3-(5)-7-9 (CmM9 = C-Eb-G-B-D)

Dominant 9th  = 1-3-(5)-b7-9 (C9 = C-E-G-Bb-D)

Dominant 9th  (b5)= 1-(3)-b5-b7-9 (C9 b5 = C-E-Gb-Bb-D)

Dominant 9th  (#5) = 1-(3)-#5-b7-9 (C9 #5 = C-E-G#-Bb-D)

Dominant 9/6 = 1-(3)-(5)-6-b7-9 (C 9/6 or C9add6 = C-E-G-A-Bb-D)

Dominant 9th (#11) = 1-3-(5)-b7-9-#11 (C9 #11 = C-E-G-Bb-D-F#)

Major 11th = 1-(3)-5-7-(9)-11 (Cmaj11, CM11, or CM7add11 = C-E-G-B-D-F)

Minor 11th = 1-b3-(5)-b7-(9)-11 (Cm11 = C-Eb-G-Bb-D-F)

Dominant 11th = 1-(3)-5-b7-(9)-11 (C11 or C7add11 = C-E-G-Bb-D-F)

Dominant 11th (b9) = 1-(3)-(5)-b7-b9-11 (C11 or C7add11 = C-E-G-Bb-Db-F)

Major 13th = 1-3-(5)-7-(9)-(11)-13 (CM13 or CM7add13 = C-E-G-B-D-F-A)

Minor 13th = 1-b3-(5)-b7-(9)-(11)-13 (Cm13 = C-Eb-G-Bb-D-F-A)

Dominant 13th  = 1-3-(5)-b7-(9)-(11)-13 (C13 or CM7add13 = C-E-G-Bb-D-F-A)

Dominant 13th (b9) = 1-(3)-(5)-b7-b9-(11)-13 (C13 b9 = C-E-G-Bb-Db-F-A)

Dominant 13th (b5/b9) = (1)-(3)-b5-b7-b9-(11)-13 (C13 b5/b9 = C-E-Gb-Bb-Db-F-A)

Dominant 13th (b9/#11) = (1)-(3)-(5)-b7-b9-#11-13 (C13 b9/#11 = C-E-G-Bb-Db-F#-A)

Dominant 13th (#11) = 1-(3)-(5)-b7-(9)-#11-13 (C13 #11 = C-E-G-Bb-D-F#-A)
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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2008, 04:58:04 PM »
Once again. THanks TB. You're a real blessing bro.  ;)
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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2008, 02:40:01 PM »
Thanks again 4 the useful chart T-Block...

I really appreci8 your work.
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Offline Fenix

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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2008, 03:52:53 PM »
WOW  :o :o :o You have got lotsa time!!!!! Fantastic stuff.
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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2008, 08:55:30 PM »
WOW  :o :o :o You have got lotsa time!!!!! Fantastic stuff.

Man, u just don't know.  I have to make time to do this stuff.  Sometimes I work on posts a little at a time on my computer before posting.  I got like 5 different post topics in the works right now, LOL.  Thank God summer is just around da corner.
Real musicians play in every key!!!
Music Theory, da numbers work!

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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2008, 08:34:40 AM »
Man, u just don't know.  I have to make time to do this stuff.  Sometimes I work on posts a little at a time on my computer before posting.  I got like 5 different post topics in the works right now, LOL.  Thank God summer is just around da corner.

No wonder you don't post that often. One of the lead worship singers in our choir is a music major. She is too intense and i will she would chill, but i kinda understand how hard it must be.
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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2008, 09:58:18 AM »
No wonder you don't post that often. One of the lead worship singers in our choir is a music major. She is too intense and i will she would chill, but i kinda understand how hard it must be.

Fenbox, I have an idea..since these music folks are doing so much to help us lay people understand music, why don't U employ your expertise to help them minimize their tax expense etc..
U know how the likes of Chevonee buy those MO8s & how Metronome & ddw4e seem to be buying the latest released keyboard--I'm actually wondering what they plan to add to their collection now..
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Offline Fenix

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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2008, 10:10:41 AM »
Fenbox, I have an idea..since these music folks are doing so much to help us lay people understand music, why don't U employ your expertise to help them minimize their tax expense etc..
U know how the likes of Chevonee buy those MO8s & how Metronome & ddw4e seem to be buying the latest released keyboard--I'm actually wondering what they plan to add to their collection now..

How would i help minimize their tax expense? I got hit real bad this past year with taxes and i ain't feelin' too happy with the gouging i got from Uncle Sam.

I think i need a new board. I think my skill level has gotten to the point where i deserve a new board. My current board is a cheap $220 Yamaha PSR 60. I am going to look at a more expensive board.
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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2008, 01:48:28 PM »
How would i help minimize their tax expense? I got hit real bad this past year with taxes and i ain't feelin' too happy with the gouging i got from Uncle Sam.

Just educate them on the theoretical tax laws & the practical aspects of it there..
If I was there I would start a thread on it because I've learnt that the guys there spend so much on music equipment but never get the maximum deductions from uncle Sam.. >:( But you better make sure you know the rules well otherwise te punitive measures are very severe-at least they are here down south.

I think i need a new board. I think my skill level has gotten to the point where i deserve a new board. My current board is a cheap $220 Yamaha PSR 60. I am going to look at a more expensive board.

Yeah, perhaps U do need a new board..

But be careful, don't buy with just your pocket--buy with your head as well...
There were some entry-level Rolands I could have purchased at the price I got my Casio for, but I knew what I wanted from the Casio (sure it has it's many shortfalls, but now it's causing me problems coz people want to exchange boards with me for a month or so--they struggle to get the best out of their Yamahas, Korgs & Rolands)...
The key lies in knowing what you want in a board; If you will ever be able to make maximum use of the many features/ control units in it..
I can already see a swarm of other Roland diehard fans getting a same Casio for it's othersounds :P

I'm really taking my time deciding on my new board -which should have really good pianos & have weighted keys..
The horns & basses should also be ultra good coz I like what I hear on the Casio more than most boards..

So think before U buy something just coz it's popular ;)
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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2008, 02:32:11 PM »
I'll say this only once...Casio boards SUCK!!!!!!!

I bought a Casio board once and promptly returned it the next day. I hated the piano sounds...absolutely horrible.

I just want a board with a decent grand piano voice. I frankly find all the extra voices on boards worthless cuz i don't use them. What imma do with 400+ voices.

I am seriously looking into just getting a digital piano. All i need are the piano, strings, brass, a Fender rhodes voice, a good electric piano sound like DX Modern or Funky EP and i am good.
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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2008, 02:56:49 PM »
I'll say this only once...Casio boards SUCK!!!!!!!

I bought a Casio board once and promptly returned it the next day. I hated the piano sounds...absolutely horrible.

I just want a board with a decent grand piano voice. I frankly find all the extra voices on boards worthless cuz i don't use them. What imma do with 400+ voices.

I am seriously looking into just getting a digital piano. All i need are the piano, strings, brass, a Fender rhodes voice, a good electric piano sound like DX Modern or Funky EP and i am good.

Go for a Fantom or Motif & you won't miss out on anything man, serious..
That's what I'm looking for in a board as well..especially the fender rhodes voice, some cool electric pianos& an awesome grand...
But I certainly wont go for the Fantom X because there was nothing much in it for me based on what I expected & the price tag :-\
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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2008, 03:01:49 PM »
I don't recommend the Fantom X for the piano sounds. I play one in church and i stay away from the piano. It has some good EP and great strings sounds though. The Motif has much better piano sounds overall IMO.

My price range is very narrow right now. I ain't lookin' to spend more than $500 as i am now. I can't be buying a $2000+ board at this stage.
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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2008, 03:17:00 PM »
I'll say this only once...Casio boards SUCK!!!!!!!

I bought a Casio board once and promptly returned it the next day. I hated the piano sounds...absolutely horrible.

I just want a board with a decent grand piano voice. I frankly find all the extra voices on boards worthless cuz i don't use them. What imma do with 400+ voices.

I am seriously looking into just getting a digital piano. All i need are the piano, strings, brass, a Fender rhodes voice, a good electric piano sound like DX Modern or Funky EP and i am good.

Go for a Fantom or Motif & you won't miss out on anything man, serious..
That's what I'm looking for in a board as well..especially the fender rhodes voice, some cool electric pianos& an awesome grand...
But I certainly wont go for the Fantom X because there was nothing much in it for me based on what I expected & the price tag :-\

Whatcha gonna do with 400+ voices?
Well, if you start doing variety of stuff & playing various songs, you realize just how handy those other sounds are..
There's a whole lot U can..
4 instance, I prefer goblins voices for worship/ prayer music instead of the over-used strings..
Trust me, those voices are magical..
& a whole lot more..soon you realize how little 400 is--so to me, quantity counts as well.
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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2008, 03:44:54 PM »
Go for a Fantom or Motif & you won't miss out on anything man, serious..
That's what I'm looking for in a board as well..especially the fender rhodes voice, some cool electric pianos& an awesome grand...
But I certainly wont go for the Fantom X because there was nothing much in it for me based on what I expected & the price tag :-\

Whatcha gonna do with 400+ voices?
Well, if you start doing variety of stuff & playing various songs, you realize just how handy those other sounds are..
There's a whole lot U can..
4 instance, I prefer goblins voices for worship/ prayer music instead of the over-used strings..
Trust me, those voices are magical..
& a whole lot more..soon you realize how little 400 is--so to me, quantity counts as well.

You...you use Goblins voice IN CHURCH????????

Goblins are demonic creatures and there is nothing worshipful about them. I hate the voice...feels like ants crawling over my skin.

Although i HAVE been trying to not use strings. They are kind of generic. What i have been doing is using very soft synth sounds. I can't recall the name on my Yamaha but its a really soft sound. Strings,

The thing about strings is that they are not proerly used. We have a secondary keys player and i am trying to tell this dude to play softer, do not play the melody along with the singer and remember that it is strings so your transition between chords should be smooth not a sudden transition.
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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2008, 12:42:33 AM »
Oh snap!  I will have to add this to my piano notebook!

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Re: Chord Chart
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2008, 07:59:34 PM »

If you're still looking for a digital piano you might want to check out the NEW Yamaha P85 Digital Piano at

It lists for $599.99

Maybe a retailer will take your PSR in trade, hopefully.
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