...lol. I met him and we spoke for a while last night after a concert at this church by my way. He's about to go on tour with Marc and J-Lo again.
lol...JUSE IS HATER NUMBER 1!!!!!!!.....
Now I didn't say that he was a bad player, I'm just not too hot on his solos. That doesn't make me a hater, I just know what I hear and I like (or not). Cats see what they want to see (or read).
OH MY GOD!!! you guys cant be serious????...i dont believe at of alllllll people JUSE and FUNKY took what i said the wrong way...im sorry...i didnt see the NO JOKING sign before i came in on this topic but i PROMISE..i will look harder for it next time..i just happen to miss it...*shakes head*...