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Author Topic: more on hyper modes and how to use them  (Read 572 times)

Offline diverse379

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more on hyper modes and how to use them
« on: April 27, 2007, 10:22:24 AM »
I talked about the thies hyper modes before
but i find every now and then as i review old material i am able to take it ot another level

a hyper mode is simply a mode that is started on its fifth degree
and ends on its fouth degree

so if you wanted to play D dorian

you would play D to D using the notes of the C scales

well now you just play from A to G using the the same notes

you may ask isnt this the same as playing a aolean

no because hyper dorian is constrained to this range and must start on A

where as the Aolean can start and end anywhere it wants

there is a specific sound when using the hyper dorian

play this chord

and play the G yper dorian over it

To be or not to be that is the question you anwer when you pray practice and read your word
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