ok man well after the preacher chords and runs are done i set mellow chords(worship chords)... and i have to be with the pastor through the whole preaching and so i was asking what do u guys do when the pastor is just talking cus man i was running out of material lol....and i was wondering if u guys play during the "actual" preaching or set a chord and whole it and listen to the message or what?
While he is preaching, I don't play anything until he gets in his "preaching" mode where he needs some music to back him up. But, after the message when he is just talking, I either play a slow song, or make up something. Usually just a few chords that I can loop and add in some little runs, nothing fancy. It don't really matter what u play, just make variations on each go around so u not playing the same chords the same way. Nothing wrong with having only a few chords to play, just vary how u play them.
Another thing is after a while, u can modulate to a new key and play the same thing u just played in the new key. Unless u a transposer, this is a really simple way to get a new sound and it will make u feel like u did something different.