OK, from an old school musician first thing I always learn is the basic bass/chord structure of the song. Since I teach a traditional gospel music I've found these chords follow a standard pattern. Here's how I will help you find your way through this song (I'm always teaching).
1. What key is this song in?
2. What is the name of the primary scale used in this song? (hint:it is not the C major scale)
3. What are the notes in the scale from question 3?
4. There a two primary chords that follow the bass line, what are they (write them out e.g. F Ab Bb Eb)
5. There's a turnaround chord at the end of some verses. What are the notes to that chord minus the bass note?
6. If you answer the first 4 questions correctly you've just learned 65% of the song. What key is the song in now?
7. What are the bass notes played as heard from the video?
8. If you know the scale you will find the bass notes are in it along with the basic chords. What are they? (show me the bass/chord relationship)
I learned this song in 10 min after listening to it. It would be way to easy to write it out for you. This way you learn the approach I've been using as an old school musician. Answer these questions correctly and I'll upload a midi file demonstrating the answers.