Here's how you do the left hand chording
for the keyboard, I heard you can't do it for organ, because "it sounds to phat and muddy"- (Jamal Hartwell):
This is how you this off a Jermaine Griggs DVD:
Take the main note your trying to play and play it with your pinky finger then play the same note again with your thumb and in between with your index finger play the 5th note of the scale of the main key your playing.
For Example:
Let's say that your playing a chord where C is the main note--- (no matter what scale you are playing in you can do this)---You would play:
C being the main note, G being the fifth note, and it is layered again by a C.
For the whole scale it would be:
C: C-G-G
Db: Db-Ab-Db
D: D-A-D
Eb: Eb-Bb-EB
F#: F#-Db-F#
G: G-D-G
A: A-E-A
...and back to C
You can ballet your music and make it sound more classical with this and more flowing also. Hope it helps. May God continue to Bless!!!