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Author Topic: Theory/Progression Lesson Using "Hosanna" Kirk Franklin  (Read 23997 times)

Offline T-Block

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Theory/Progression Lesson Using "Hosanna" Kirk Franklin
« on: January 04, 2007, 06:38:29 PM »
The purpose of this post is to show you how to take a song and put the chords into progression format.  Once it is in progression format, it will be easy to play this song in any key.  I'll do some of it a piece at a time, then end with the entire song in progression format.  Here is the song in chord format:

"Hosanna" by: Kirk Franklin
Key C  LH/RH


/ C, E, F, G
C / F-A-C 
C / G-B-D
C / G-C-E 

/ C, F, E, C
/ G, F, E, D, C, B
F / C-F-A
G / D-G-B 
A / E-A-C 
G / D-F-Bb

F / C-F-A
G / D-G-B 
C / E-G-C 

Verse 1:

The angels
E / E-G-C bow
F / F-A-C down at the
G / D-G-B thought of
C / E-G-C You,

G / G
A / A
G / G
F / F the
E / E price
that You
F / F-A-C paid gives us
G / D-G-B life brand
A / E-A-C new, Ho-
G / D-F-Bb sanna for-

F / F-A-C ever we
G / D-G-B worship
C / E-G-C You,

Verse 2:

for You are
E / E-G-C the
F / F-A-C joy
that my soul
G / D-G-B lives
C / E-G-C for,
the Lamb that
E / E-G-C was
F / F-A-C slain
for my
F / F-A-C sins
and the
E / D-G#-B One
I adore,
A / E-A-C King
D / F-A-C Kings
ruler of
E / D-G#-B every-
A / E-A-C thing, Ho-

G / D-F-Bb sanna for-
F / F-A-C ever we
G / D-G-B worship  *2nd time go on
A / E-A-C You, Ho-

C / E-G-C You,

Verse 3:

for Your
E / E-G-C patience and
F / F-A-C kindness,
F# / F#-A-D favor and
G / G-B-D mercy,
G# / G#-B-E honor and
A / A-C-E glory, be-
B / G-B-D cause You are
C# / A-C#-E  or  C# / G-A#-C#-E worthy, we
D / A-C-F can't live with-
E / G-C-E out You, we
F / A-C-F can't breath with-
F# / A-D-F# out You, we
G / A-C-F can't sing without You, Ho-
Modulation chord to Db: Ab / Bb-Db-Gb sanna, Hosanna,

Verse 4 (new key is Db):

Db / F-Ab-Db no
greater love in this world but You,
Db / F-Ab-Db
no one can compare to the things You do,
Eb / Eb-Ab-C
F / F-Ab-Db wher-
ever You
Gb / Gb-Bb-Db go
I will fol-
F / Eb-A-C
Bb / F-Bb-Db You,

Ab / Eb-Gb-Cb sanna for-
Gb / Db-Gb-Bb ever we
Ab / Eb-Ab-C worship  *last time go on
Bb / F-Bb-Db You, Ho-
(repeat a couple times)

Db / F-Ab-Db You,


F / F-Ab-Db Ho-
Gb / Gb-Bb-Db san-
Ab / Eb-Ab-C for-
Bb / F-Bb-Db e-

Modulate to D (same format):

F# / F#-A-D Ho-
G / G-B-D san-
A / E-A-C# for-
B / F#-B-D e-

Modulate chords (going up to key of G):
G / G-Bb-Eb ever, and
G# / G#-B-E ever, and
A / A-C-F ever, and
Bb / Bb-Db-Gb ever,

Key G:

and ever
B / B-G-B Ho-
C / C-E-G sanna  *repeat from here
D / A-D-F#  for-
E / B-E-G ever.
(repeat 3x)

C# / B-D#-F-G

Now, let's start to take this song apart and put it in progression format.  First, since this song is in the key of C, let's recall our C major scale and chords built off the scale degrees::

C major scale:  C=1   D=2   E=3   F=4   G=5   A=6   B=7

1 chord = C-E-G
2 chord = D-F-A
3 chord = E-G-B
4 chord = F-A-C
5 chord = G-B-D
6 chord = A-C-E
7 chord = B-D-F

Now, let's go through some of the song:

"Hosanna" by: Kirk Franklin
Key C  LH/RH


/ C, E, F, G
C / F-A-C 
C / G-B-D
C / G-C-E 

O.K., let's stop right here and progressionalize this: 

/ C, E, F, G  =  / 1, 3, 4, 5
C / F-A-C  =  1 / 4 chord
C / G-B-D  =  1 / 5 chord
C / G-C-E  =  1 / 1 chord
Did yall see and understand what I did there?  I took the single notes and tranlated them into scale degrees, then I looked at the chords and compared them to the chords built off the scale degrees in the key of C.  Now, let's go on to another part:

/ C, F, E, C
/ G, F, E, D, C, B
F / C-F-A
G / D-G-B 
A / E-A-C 
G / D-F-Bb

O.K., let's stop right here and progressionalize this:

/ C, F, E, C  =  / 1, 4, 3, 1
/ G, F, E, D, C, B  =  / 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 7
F / C-F-A   =  4 / 4 chord
G / D-G-B  =  5 / 5 chord
A / E-A-C  =  6 / 6 chord
G / D-F-Bb  =  5 / b7 major chord

Is it starting to sink in now?  I really do hope so.  This is basically how I figure out songs and play them in all keys, by looking at the song in progression format and learning the pattern.  It may seem like a lot of work at first, but once u get the hang of it, your brain will automatically convert what you hear into progression patterns.  Thus, your learning time will be cut in half, allowing u to focus more on perfecting the song than learning it.  Here is the entire song in progression format:

"Hosanna" by: Kirk Franklin

/ 1, 3, 4, 5
1 / 4 chord
1 / 5 chord
1 / 1 chord

/ 1, 4, 3, 1
/ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 7
4 / 4 chord
5 / 5 chord
6 / chord
5 / b7 chord

4 / 4 chord
5 / 5 chord
1 / 1 chord

Verse 1:

The angels
3 / 1 chord bow
4 / 4 chord down at the
5 / 5 chord thought of
1 / chord You,
*piano run The price that You

4 / 4 chord paid gives us
5 / 5 chord life brand
6 / chord new, Ho-
5 / b7 chord sanna for-

4 / 4 chord ever we
5 / 5 chord worship
1 / 1 chord You,

Verse 2:

For You are
3 / 1 the
4 / 4 joy that my soul
5 / 5 lives
1 / chord for,
the Lamb that
3 / 1 chord was
4 / 4 chord slain for my
4 / 4 chord sins and the
3 / 3 dom.7 chord One
I adore
6 / 6 chord King
2 / 4 chord Kings
ruler of
3 / 3 dom.7 chord every-
6 / 6 chord thing, Ho-
5 / b7 chord sanna for-
4 / 4 chord ever we
5 / 5 chord worship *2nd time go on
6 / chord You, Ho-

1 / 1 chord You,

Verse 3:

for Your
3 / 1 chord patience and
4 / 4 chord kindness,
#4 / major 2 chord favor and
5 / 5 chord mercy,
#5 / major 3 chord honor and
6 / 6 chord glory, be-
7 / 5 chord cause You are
#1 / major 6 chord or #1dim7. chord worthy, we
2 / 4 chord can't live with-
3 / 1 chord out You, we
4 / 4 chord can't breath with-
#4 / major 2 chord out You, we
5 / 4 chord can't sing without You, Ho-
Modulation chord to Db: 5 / 4 chord sanna, Hosanna

Verse 4 (new key is Db):

1 / 1 chord No
greater love in this world but You,
1 / 1 chord
no one can compare to the things You do,
2 / 4 chord
3 / 1 chord wher-
ever You
4 / 4 chord go
I will fol-
3 / 3 dom.7 chord
6 / 6 chord You
5 / b7 chord sanna for-
4 / 4 chord ever we
5 / 5 chord worship *last time go on
6 / chord You, Ho-
(repeat a couple times)

1 / 1 chord You,

3 / 1 chord Ho-
4 / 4 chord san-
5 / 5 chord for-
6 / 6 chord e-

Modulate to D (same format):
3 / 1 chord Ho-
4 / 4 chord san-
5 / 5 chord for-
6 / 6 chord e-

Modulate chords (going up to key of G):

3 / 1 chord in Eb
3 / 1 chord in E
3 / 1 chord in F
3 / 1 chord in Gb

Key G:

3 / 1 chord
4 / 4 chord
5 / 5 chord
6 / 6 chord

b5 / 5 dom.7 chord with raised 5
Real musicians play in every key!!!
Music Theory, da numbers work!

Offline CESharp

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Re: Theory/Progression Lesson Using "Hosanna" Kirk Franklin
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2007, 12:26:05 PM »
T-Block...........................................whenever you are in the Chicago, Champaign, Bloomington, Illinois area PLEASE let me know.  I truly would like to shadow you and learn some stuff

Thank you for your willing heart to teach us
Carla E.
Canaan Church (Urbana, Illinois)
U of I

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Re: Theory/Progression Lesson Using "Hosanna" Kirk Franklin
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2007, 05:58:57 PM »
Nice T-block

Offline BBoy

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Re: Theory/Progression Lesson Using "Hosanna" Kirk Franklin
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2007, 06:57:43 PM »
Whew! That was a lot of work . . . thank you so much for sharing the incredible gifts GOD gave you!

Be Blessed  :D
Joshua 1: 7, 8

Offline Brandon Adams

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Re: Theory/Progression Lesson Using "Hosanna" Kirk Franklin
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2007, 07:59:02 AM »
God wouldn't allow me to logg off without asking this question. How did T-Block get
1 chord = C-E-G
2 chord = D-F-A
3 chord = E-G-B
4 chord = F-A-C
5 chord = G-B-D
6 chord = A-C-E
7 chord = B-D-F

what i'm asking is how do you determine what the the 1-7 chords are. for some reason i thought it was the major chord of each note

Offline T-Block

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Re: Theory/Progression Lesson Using "Hosanna" Kirk Franklin
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2007, 09:55:43 AM »
God wouldn't allow me to logg off without asking this question. How did T-Block get
1 chord = C-E-G
2 chord = D-F-A
3 chord = E-G-B
4 chord = F-A-C
5 chord = G-B-D
6 chord = A-C-E
7 chord = B-D-F

what i'm asking is how do you determine what the the 1-7 chords are. for some reason i thought it was the major chord of each note

I got these chords by building basic chords off the notes of the C major scale.  Here's an illustration:

C  D  E  F  G  A  B  C

Now, to build a chord, u first pick a note:


Now, skip a note:


Now, skip another note, and it keeps going like that:


You see that?  Now, u can build a chord off each note in the major scale using that same process.  You can only use the notes of the major scale now, so let's do that using the key of C:

C major scale:  C=1   D=2   E=3   F=4   G=5   A=6   B=7 

Chord built off 1st scale degree  =  C-E-G
Chord built off 2nd scale degree =  D-F-A
Chord built off 3rd scale degree =  E-G-B
Chord built off 4th scale degree =  F-A-C
Chord built off 5th scale degree =  G-B-D
Chord built off 6th scale degree =  A-C-E
Chord built off 7th scale degree =  B-D-F

You do this for every key.  These chords are used when u need a chord to go with a particular bass note of a progression.  Does that answer your question?
Real musicians play in every key!!!
Music Theory, da numbers work!

Offline Brandon Adams

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Re: Theory/Progression Lesson Using "Hosanna" Kirk Franklin
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2007, 10:31:01 AM »
Yes it does thank you and god bless
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