My opinion of this may seem very controversial to a lot of people but this is my opinion. What you should do is dependent on your spiritual maturity. If you took what she said so personal because you are a member that you cannot be objective, then you should ignore her and try your best to avoid conversing with her about your church. But if you have the ability to make a true assessment of the validity of her comments without allowing it to effect you negatively, then you should be able to agree with her that your church, like every other church is imperfect because it is made up of imperfect people. Then take that as an opportunity to tell her of the good things about your church and why you are a member inspite of the imperfections. If you give her the impression that you either don't know that your church is capable of faults or that you don't care, then your credibility and the credibility of your church are both compromised. The best way to disarm your enemy is to quickly agree with them. But let them know that you are keenly aware of the grace and mercy of God and his willingness to readily forgive. You can then start to talk of the great things that God is accomplishing in your church because of the members that ARE on fire and his ability to use even the ones whose fire is not so hot.
Now if the Holy Spirit tells you that this person is full of bologna (or baloney if you prefer) and that there is no validity to what she says, then follow the first advice and ignore and avoid her.
It is understandably easy to be sensitive to criticism of a church family that you are inextricably tied to. But I have seen many people become so sensitive that they allow themselves to become blinded. They then become so resistant to criticism that it becomes almost impossible for God to bring about the changes necessary to cause the growth that He wants. I heard a pastor say recently that he listens to all his critics and then analyzes (through the Holy Spirit) the validity of the criticism. He then either measures up to it or tosses it out into the dung heap.