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Author Topic: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs  (Read 55655 times)

Offline ferrente

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #60 on: November 05, 2007, 01:56:49 PM »
Because He Lives
By:  Ferrente
Key Of:  Ab

Bb/FAbDbEb             God
Eb                           Sent
G/GBbDbEb              his
Ab/AbBbCEb             Son
Eb/BbDbGbAb          They
Ab/DbFGbBb          Called
Ab/EbGbAbC           Him
Db/FAbDb                Jesus
D/BDFAb                He Came To
Eb/CEbAb               Save
C/EbAbC                   To
FEb/EbGbAC              Heal And to
BbAb/DbFAbBb           Forgive
Eb/DbAbBbEb              He
Eb/DbGBbEb              Bled--ed and
Ab/EbAbC                   Died
Eb/BbDbGbAb            Just to buy my
Db/AbDbFAb             Pardon
C/EbAbC                        An emp--
Db/EAbBbDb              --ty
Eb/EbAbC                 Grave
C/EbGbBbC                 Is
F/EbFADb                  There  to
BbAb/DEGBb                Prove my
Eb/DbEbFAbC                 Sav--
Eb/DbEbGBb                 --ior
AbEb/AbCEbAb                Lives
/Eb                                  Be--
Eb/DbFAb                    --cause
G/DbEbGBb                   He
Ab/EbAbC                   Lives
Ab/EbAbC                  I can
C/EbGbAbC                 Face to--
Db/AbDbFAb                -morrow
D/CFBb                    Be--
GF/BEbFAb                 --cause he
C/BbEbG                    Lives
F/CFAb                      All
BbAb/DFAbC                 Fear Is
Eb/DbFAbBb                 Gone
F/DbFAb                     Be cause
G/DbEbGBb                    I
Ab/EbAbC                     Know--
Bb/FBbDb                     -----
C/GbAbCEb                     --ow he
AbGb/DbFGbBb                  Holds
C/EbGbAbC                     The
Db/FAbDb                      Furture
C/CEbAb                      And live
Db/DbEAbBb                    Is
Eb/EbAbC                      Worth
GbE/EbGbBbC                    The
F/EbFAC                        Living
BbAb/DFBb                     Just be-
Eb/DbEbGC                     --cause
Eb/DbFBb                     He
AbEb/BbCEbAb                   lives

Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

Offline ferrente

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #61 on: November 05, 2007, 02:05:02 PM »
Song:  This Is The Day
By:  Ferrente
Key: B to C

B/D#F#B            This
B/D#F#B            Is
B/EG#C#           The
B/F#BD#            Day
B/D#F#B            This
B/D#F#B            Is
B/EG#C#             The
B/F#BD#             day
D#/F#BD#            That
E/G#C#E             The
F#/F#BD#             Lord
F#/F#A#C#            Has
F#/EF#A#C#          Made
D#/F#BD#             That
E/G#C#E               The
F#/F#BD#             Lord
F#/F#A#C#            Has
F#/F#A#C#            Made
F#/C#F#A#           I
F#/C#F#A#            will
F#/D#G#B              Re-
F#/EA#C#          --joice
F#/C#F#A#            I
F#/C#F#A#            will
F#/D#G#B           Re--
F#/EA#C#           --joice
F#/EA#C#          and
F#/F#BD#            Be
BG#/EG#C#          glad
/D#F#B                 In
BF#/D#F#B           It
E/BEG#             This Is the
F/BDFG#            day
F/BDFG#            That the
F#/BD#F#              Lord
E/A#C#F#              Has
D#/ABD#F#            Made
E/BEG#               I will Re--
F/BDFG#             --joice and be
F#/BD#F#              glad
E/A#C#F#              In
D#/BD#F#               It

F#/D#F#B               This
F#/D#F#B                Is
F#/EG#C#               The
F#/F#BD#                day
F#/D#F#B               This
F#/D#F#B                Is
F#/EG#C#               The
F#/F#BD#                day
D#/F#BD#                That
E/G#C#E                 The
F#/F#BD#               Lord
F#/F#A#C#               Has
B/D#F#B                  Made   

Key Change:

C/EGC             This
C/EGC              Is
C/FAD             The
C/GCE              day
C/EGC             This
C/EGC              Is
C/FAD             The
C/GCE              Day
E/GCE             That
F/ADF            The
G/GCE              Lord
G/GBD              Has
G/GBD              Made
G/DGB          I
G/DGB          will
G/EAC           Re-
G/FBD          --joice
G/DGB            I
G/DGB            will
G/EAC           Re--
G/FBD           --joice
G/FBD          and
G/GCE            be
CA/FAD          Glad
/EGC             In
CG/EGC           It
F/CFA                This Is the
Gb/CEbGbA            Day
Gb/CEbGbA            That the
G/CEG                 Lord
F/BDG                Has
E/BbCEG              Made
F/CFA                 I will Re--
Gb/CEbGbA             --joice and be
G/CEG                 Glad
F/BDG                 In
E/CEG                  It

G/EGC               This
G/EGC                Is
G/FAD               The
G/GCE                day
G/EGC               This
G/EGC                Is
G/FAD               The
G/GCE                day
E/GCE                That
F/ADF              The
G/GCE               Lord
G/GBD               Has
C/EGC               Made

Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

Offline ferrente

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #62 on: November 09, 2007, 10:05:03 PM »
Song: Grateful
Hezekiah Walker
By: Ferrente
Key: Ab

Eb-F-Ab-Bb/Eb-FAb-Bb               I'mmmmm
AbEb/CEbAb                            Grateful for
Bb/C#Ab                                  things
C/EbAb                                    You have
C#/CEbFAb                               Done   yes
Eb-FAb-Bb/Eb-F-Ab-Bb                  I'mmmm
AbEb/CAb                                   Grateful  for the
Bb/C#Ab                                      Victo---
C/EbAb                                         ry's     we've
C#A/FCF                                      Won
C#Bb/FC#F                                  (filler)
C#Bb/FC#F                                   I
G/FGACE                                     Could go
CG/EbGBbEb                                  on & on &
F/EbAbBbEb                                   on
E/EbAbBbEb                                  (filler)
C#Ab/FBbCEb                                About you grace
G/FGACE                                       Because I'm
CG/EbGBbEb                                  Grateful,Grateful So
FC/AbBbCEbG                                 Grateful
Eb/AbBbCEbG                                 Just to
C#Ab/FBbCEb                                 Praise you Lord
Bb-C-C#-Bb/C#EAbBb                      (fillers)
Eb/EbAbC                                         Flowing
Eb/EbGBb                                        From
Eb/EbAbC                                       your
EbC#/EAbBbC#                               Heart
EbC#/Ab-Bb (right hand single notes)              Are the
Eb/EbAbC                                        Issues
FC/AbBbCEbG                                  Of my
E/EAbBbC#                                       Heart
Eb/C#FAb                                          It's
Eb-F-Ab-Bb/Eb-F-Ab-Bb                        Grate - ful-ness

Eb/EbAbC                 Grateful.....
Eb/EbAbC                  Grateful
AbE/EAbBbC#           Grateful.....
AbE/EAbBbC#           Grateful
Eb/EbAbC                  Grateful....
Eb/EbAbC                  Grateful
E/EAbBbC#                Gratefulness  is
Bb/EAbBbC#               Flow----
C/EAbBbC#                ---ing
C#/EAbBbC#                From my
Bb/EAbBbC#                Heart

Bb-C-C#-Bb/C#EAbBb                      (fillers)
Eb/EbAbC                                         Flowing
Eb/EbGBb                                        From
Eb/EbAbC                                       your
EbC#/EAbBbC#                               Heart
EbC#/Ab-Bb (right hand single notes)              Are the
Eb/EbAbC                                        Issues
FC/AbBbCEbG                                  Of my
E/EAbBbC#                                       Heart
Eb/C#FAb                                          It's
Eb-F-Ab-Bb/Eb-F-Ab-Bb                        Grate - ful-ness
Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

Offline ferrente

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #63 on: November 09, 2007, 10:12:43 PM »
Song:  Oh Give Thanks
Artist: Judith McAllister
Chorded By:  Ferrente
Key: B,C,C#

This starts in the key of B, and goes to C, Then C#.
I am posting in the key of C#.

Ab/C#F#Bb                            (filler)
C#/C#EbFAb                          Oh
F/C#EbFAb                             Give
F#/C#FBb                               Thanks Un-
Ab/CEbAb                               -to
C/CEbAb                                The
C#/AbC#F                            Lord
C/F#CEb                              For
Bb/FBbC#                              He
Bb/AbC#F                              Is
Eb/GBbEb                             Good
G/FBbC#                              For
Ab/EbAbC                             He
Ab/F#CEb                              Is
C#/FAbC#                            Good
C#,F,Ab (single notes both hands)     For- He - Is
F#/F#BbC#                           Wor--
F/FAbC#                               -thy
Ab/EbF#Bb                            Wor-
Ab/FAbC#                            -or-
C#/C#FAb                           -thy


C/CEbF#                              For
Bb/BbC#F                             He
Bb/AbC#F                             Is
Eb/GBbEb                             Good
G/FBbC#                                For
Ab/EbAbC                              He
Ab/F#CEb                             Is
C#/FAbC#                            Good

Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

Offline Dia

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #64 on: November 11, 2007, 05:48:12 PM »
Please could you submit the melody and harmony for away in a manger.

Offline ferrente

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #65 on: November 18, 2007, 10:40:34 PM »
Maaaaaaaaaaaaan.  You took this to a whole nother level!  This is God's way of telling me to start now and not wait until Dec. 24 when all the saints come up to the organ askin' me if I know all these songs.lol.
Keep it up dog.  God Bless.


It's that time Again!!
Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

Offline ferrente

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #66 on: November 18, 2007, 10:51:28 PM »
Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

Offline ferrente

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #67 on: November 26, 2007, 07:57:57 PM »
Credits Go To:  T-Block
This is a good session!

Here is the condensed version of the number system:

Each number is called a scale degree, and it represents the notes of the major scale.  The first note is 1, the second note is 2, etc.  So, in the key of C, the notes are:

C=1  D=2  E=3  F=4  G=5  A=6  B=7

These scale degrees will be the bass notes that you play.  So, let's take that song "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" and write out the bass notes in the key of C:

Key C  LH only

G (5) / We
C (1) / wish you a Merry
F (4) / Christmas, we
D (2) / wish you a Merry
G (5) / Christmas, we
E (3) / wish you a Merry
A (6) / Christmas, and a
D (2) / Happy
G (5) / New
C (1) / Year,

G (5) / good
C (1) / tidings to
B (7) / you and
A (6) / all that you
G (5) / are, good
F (4) / tidings for a
E (3) / Christmas and a
D (2) / Happy
G (5) / New
C (1) / Year.

Now, the scale degrees are a part of a bigger entity, known as the progression.  A progression is a group of 2 or more chords being played.  Each chord leads or progresses to the next chord.  The scale degrees which are your bass note,s are the pattern for the song.  Now, all you need is some chords to play in the RH that goes with those bass notes, then you have a completed progression.

Chords are a different story.  There are some guidelines, but your ear is the final judge.  If you have no idea what chords to play with each bass note, you can play the chords built off each bass note.  Chords are built in 3rds, which mean each note is a 3rd a part.  Example:

C  D  E  F  G  A  B  C

Pick a note, C  skip a note, E  skip another note, G  etc.

So, back to our discussion, the chords built off the scale degrees use only the notes of the major scale and are labeled as follows:

1 = major
2 = minor
3 = minor
4 = major
5 = major
6 = minor
7 = diminished

Using the key of C as an example, the major scale and chords are:

C  D  E  F  G  A  B

1 = C-E-G, E-G-C, G-C-E
2 = D-F-A, F-A-D, A-D-F
3 = E-G-B, G-B-E, B-E-G
4 = F-A-C, A-C-F, C-F-A
5 = G-B-D. B-D-G. D-G-B
6 = A-C-E, C-E-A, E-A-C
7 = B-D-F , D-F-B, F-B-D

So, let's plug these chords in our song and see what happens:

Key C  LH/RH

G / G-B-D (5)  We
C / G-C-E (1)  wish you a Merry
F / A-C-F (4)  Christmas, we
D / A-D-F (2)  wish you a Merry
G / B-D-G (5)  Christmas, we
E / B-E-G (3)  wish you a Merry
A / C-E-A (6)  Christmas, and a
D / A-D-F (2)  Happy
G / G-B-D (5)  New
C / G-C-E (1)  Year,

G / D-G-B (5)  good
C / E-G-C (1)  tidings to
B / D-F-B (7)  you and
A / C-E-A (6)  all that you
G / B-D-G (5)  are, good
F / A-C-F (4)  tidings for a
E / G-B-E (3)  Christmas and a
D / A-D-F (2)  Happy
G / G-B-D (5)  New
C / G-C-E (1)  Year.

See how easy that was?  Now, from a musical standpoint, some of those chords sounded good, but some didn't sound so good.  So, what you want to do is take the chords that didn't sound so good and pick another chord that may work.

What you can do is mix & match the bass notes with the other scale degree chords and see what u come up with.  If you don't want to do that, you can alter the chord by itself.  To eliminate a little time, I'll show you the chords I would play to make this sound better:

Key C  LH/RH

G / G-B-D (5)  We
C / G-C-E (1)  wish you a Merry
F / A-C-F (4)  Christmas, we
D / A-D-F# (2)  wish you a Merry  *I sharped the F to from a D major chord
G / B-D-G (5)  Christmas, we
E / B-E-G# (3)  wish you a Merry  *I sharped the G to form an E major chord
A / C-E-A (6)  Christmas, and a
D / A-C-F (2)  Happy  *I played a 4 chord in the RH w/the 2 in the LH
G / G-B-D (5)  New
C / G-C-E (1)  Year,

G / D-G-B (5)  good
C / E-G-C (1)  tidings to
B / D-G-B (7)  you and  *I played a 5 chord in the RH w/the 7 in the LH
A / C-E-A (6)  all that you
G / B-D-G (5)  are, good
F / A-C-F (4)  tidings for a
E / G-C-E (3)  Christmas and a  *I played a 1 chord in the RH w/the 3 in the LH
D / A-C-F (2)  Happy  *I played a 4 chord in the RH w/the 2 in the LH
G / G-B-D (5)  New
C / G-C-E (1)  Year.

Now, compare that version with the versin we had ealier.  You should hear a big difference cuz I changed some of the chords in order to make the song as a whole sound & flow better.  That's basically how it's done, very simple and time-saving once u get the hang of it.

For more information on scale degrees, progressions, and music theory, visit this link:  http://www.learngospelmusic.com/forums/index.php/topic,42768.0.html
Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #68 on: December 13, 2007, 10:21:35 AM »
I  haven’t chorded a song in a while but here we go!
Credits Go To:  ddw4e

This Christmas

Written by Donny Hathaway, Nadine McKinnor

Preformed By The Temptations…Chris Brown ”This Christmas” movie

Key of F

F C / G A C F - Hang all the mistletoe
D A / G C E H - I'm gonna get to know you
Eb Bb / G BB D G - better
Bb F / A D – this
A E / G C - Christ
G D F / A Bb D F - mas

F C / G A C F - And as we trim the tree
D A / G C E  - How much fun it's gonna be
Eb Bb / G BB D G - together
Bb F / A D – this
A E / G C - Christ
G D F / A Bb D F – mas

A D G / C E G – Fireside is blazing
D A / G C E G – bright
D A Gb / A C Eb Gb (filler)
G D F / A Bb D F – We're caroling through the
C G / F Bb D F – night and this
F C / C E G – Christ
F C / C F A- mas
B / A Db Eb F – will
Bb F / A C D F – be a
A E / G Bb Db E - A very special
D A / G A C F – Christmas
A E / A C F – for
Eb Bb / G BB D G – me
C E / Bb D Eb F
F C / A D Eb F

Bb / A C D F
D / G C E G
G / A Bb D F
C E / E A D
F / D G C
C E / Bb D Eb F
F C / A D Eb F
Bb / A C D F
D / G C E G
G / A Bb D F
C E / E A D
F / D G C

That’s your song! The second verse is played the same way!
Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #69 on: December 13, 2007, 10:26:55 AM »
Song:  Silver And Gold
By:  Ferrente
Key Of:  C#
Version: Intermediate

**I will post a more advance version later***

C#/C#FAb             Silver
F#/FAbC#             And
F/EbF#AC              Gold
Bb/C#FAb              Silver
Bb/FAbC#              And
Ab/F#BEb               Gold----
C#/FBEb                ---ld  I'd
F#/C#FAb               Rather Have
F/C#EbAb               Jesus
Bb/AbC#F               Than
Eb/GBbC#F              Silver and
Ab/AbCEb               Gold
F#/AbCEb                 No
F/C#FA                   Fame or
F/EbF#AC                 Fortune no
Bb/AbBbC#F               Riches Un--
Ab/F#BEb                  Told
F/FAbC#                    I'd
Eb/F#BbEb                 Ra---
F/FAbC#                    --ther
F#/EbF#Bb                Have
Ab/FAbC#                   Jesus
F/FAbC#                    Than
Ab/F#BbEb                  Silver
Ab/F#AbC                    And
C#/FAbC#                    Gold
F/FAbC#                    I'd
Eb/F#BbEb                 Ra---
F/FAbC#                    --ther
F#/EbF#Bb                Have
Ab/FAbC#                   Jesus Than
Eb/GBbC#F                  Silver
Ab/F#AbEb                   And
C#/FAbC#                      Gold
C#/F#EbF#                    Gold
C#/AbC#F                      Gold
Bb/AbC#F                       Gold
Ab/F#EbF#                     Gold
F#/FAbC#                       Gold
B/F#C#Eb                       Gold
C#/AbC#F                      Gold
F/FAbC#                        Gold
F#/AbC#F                       Gold
B/C#EbF#                        Gold
C#/AbC#F                      Gold

Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #70 on: December 17, 2007, 10:55:08 PM »
Here is Silent Night Intro and Song!
By:  VAL215 & Ferrente

Silent Night (Intro Only)
By: The Temptations
Arr. by: Val215

The only real big difference between this version and the traditional version is the intro.

Key C
L H / R H

E / G-B-D-G, G, D
A / E-G-C
/ G-C, D, E
D / A-D-F, A, E
G / G-A-B-D
F / B-D, E, F

E / G-B-D-G, G, D
A / E-G-C
/ G-C, D, E
D / A-D-F, A, C
G / G-A-B
G, A, B /

C / G-C-E
G, A, G, C /
C / G-C-E
D / A-D-F
E / C-E-G
F / C-F-A
C, D, C, F /
F / C-F-A
E / C-E-G
D / A-D-F
C / G-C-E
G, A, G, C /

C / G-C-E
D / A-D-F
E / C-E-G
F / C-F-A
C, D, C, F /
F / C-F-A
E / C-E-G
D / A-D-F
C / G-C-E

C / G-C-E, A
G / B-D-G
G, A, B /

Then go into “Silent Night”

Song:  Silent Night
By:  Ferrente

CG/CEG        Sil---
/A               --I---
CG/CEG         lent
C/GCE           Night
E/GCE           (filler)
G/GCE           (filler)
C/CEG            Ho---
/A                ---O---
C/CEG            --ly
C/GCE           Night
E/GCE           (Filler)
G/GCE           (filler)
G/FGBD              All
G/FGBD              Is
F/DFGB             Calm
E/EGC               All
E/EGC               Is
C/BbCEG             Bright
D/BbDF              (filler)
E/BbCEG             (filler)
F/CFA                  Round
F/CFA                   yun
F#/EbF#AC             Vir---
F#/CEbF#A            --gin
E/CEG                    Mother
D/BDG                    And
C/BbCEG                  Child
F/CFA                      Holy
F#/EbF#AC                Infant
F#/CEbF#A                So
G/CEG                       Tender
F/BDG                        And
E/CEG                        Mild
G/FGBD                       Sleep
G/GBD                         In
Ab/AbBF                     Hea----
/D                             ---ven---
/B                              ---ly
A/EAC                       Peace---
D/F#CE                      --eace
G/EGC                        Sleep
/EG                             --eep
G/GCE                         In
GF/BDG                        Heaven---
G/FGBD                         ----ly
C/EGC                          peace

Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #71 on: December 18, 2007, 12:06:15 AM »
Click Here for Holiday - Christmas MIDI's
Thanks and Credits Go out to:  cas10a    

Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #72 on: November 15, 2008, 09:57:42 PM »
(as performed by Nat King Cole)

Credits Go To:  ????

Db6       Ebm7           Fm7      Gbmaj7 (Fm7 Ebm7)
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Db6        Abm7    Db7     Gbmaj7  B9
Jack Frost nipping at your nose
Db6      B9           Bbm7      Gm7  Gb7
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir
    Fmaj7         F#m7    B9  Emaj7 Ebm7 D9       
And folks dressed up like Eskimos.......everybody

Db6     Ebm7            Fm7      Gbmaj7 (Fm7 Ebm7)       
knows a turkey and some mistletoe
Db6     Abm7     Db7    Gbmaj7  B9
Help to make the season bright
Db6  B9              Bbm7      Gm7  Gb7
Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow
     Fm7     E9      Ebm7  D9 Db6
Will find it hard to sleep tonight

               Abm7  Db7      Gbmaj7
They know that Santa's on his way
            Abm7             Db7            Gbmaj7
He's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh
          F#m7           B7       Emaj7
And every mother's child is gonna spy
          Eb7                         Ab7
To see if reindeer really know how to fly

Db6        Ebm7          Fm7      Gbmaj7 (Fm7 Ebm7)
And so I'm offering this simple phrase
Db6        Abm7    Db7     Gbmaj7  B9
To kids from one to ninety-two
  Db6              B9        Bbm7        Gm7  Gb7
Although it's been said many times, many ways
      Fm7 E9 Ebm7 Ab7 Db6 
Merry Christmas   to you
Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #73 on: November 17, 2008, 08:23:33 PM »

Thanks for posting your chords. They are really helping. I was wondering do you know the chords to "One God" by Maurette Brown. I would appreciate it if you did know the chords. Thanking you in advance.

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #74 on: November 25, 2008, 09:17:49 PM »
Credits Go To:  favoredbygod708

Both Hands F-B-Ab-F-Eb-Ab

Ab, F#BbCF (He's the)
C, F#BbCF  (Light)
C#, BEbFAb (Light of the World)

Ab, F#BbCF (He's the)
C, F#BbCF  (light)
F#, F#BEb (He)
F FBbC# (Is)

C#, B-Eb-F-Ab (The Light of the World)

F,   F-A-C    (He's ev)
Eb,  Eb-G-Bb  (er)
C#, C#        (Shi)
D,  Ab-Bb-D-F-Bb  (ning)
Eb, Ab-Eb-F-Ab   (Shining in my)
C,  Bb-Eb-Ab (Soul)
(Both Hands) C, Eb,F, Ab, F  (So-ou-ou-ou-ol)

F,     F-A-C  (He's ev)
Eb,   Eb-G-Bb  (er)
C#,  C#  (Shi)
D,    Ab-Bb-D-F-Bb  (ning)
Eb,   Ab-Eb-F-Ab   (Shining in my)
Ab,   F#-Ab-C-Eb-Ab (Soul)

For the base on this part i do (C# B E A C# E A Ab) the go back to the beginning

For the lead use the same chords as the beginning but when she says
And do as I, its (C C# D B) then (E F B) both are single notes for both hands

Then repeat beginning chords

The transition into the next part goes
Ab Bb C F D C Bb Eb (Both hands)
 Then when u hit the Eb at the end the right hand chord is (Bb Eb F G)
C#, Bb-Eb-F-G    (and a)
C, Bb Eb F G      (Light)
F, F Ab C        (Path)
F,  F-A-C             (Ev)
E,   G-Bb-Eb           (er)
C#,   Ab-C-F            (ry)
Eb,   F-G-Bb-Eb  (where i go I'll take my)
C#,   F-G-Bb-Eb  (Light)
C,     F-G-Bb-Eb  (Men might see Christ in(
F#,    C#-F#-Bb Me
F,      C-F-A      EEEEE

F(Left hand), F(Right Hand) Je
E(Left Hand), G (Right Hand) sus
Eb (Left Hand), Ab (Right Hand) is
D, C-F-Ab-C (Ever)
C#, Bb-Eb-F-G (Shining)
F#, C#-F#-Bb (Ever)
F,  F-A-C (Shining)

Then the next part when they take it up u do
D,   Ab D     (Ever)
F,   B-F
Ab,   B-Eb-F-Ab
B,   Eb-F-Ab-B

C#, Bb-Eb-F-G (Shining)
F#, C#-F#-Bb (Ever)
F,  F-A-C (Shining)

Then the ending is the same as the chords above for he's ever shining, shining in my soul

Hope this helps everyone if u have any more questions email me
Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #75 on: November 22, 2009, 08:17:27 PM »
Yes!  It is that time again.
Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #76 on: November 22, 2009, 08:19:09 PM »
More songs to come this year. Here is one.

Will post in the Key: of Ebm  / Already written out, just have to post!

Mary Did You Know? - Kenny Rogers & Wynonna Judd
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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #77 on: November 22, 2009, 08:26:23 PM »
More songs to come this year. Here is one.

Will post in the Key: of Ebm  / Already written out, just have to post!

Mary Did You Know? - Kenny Rogers & Wynonna Judd

This is the scale I used to chord this song out.

Ebm / Harmonic Minor Scale

1- 2- 3 - 4 -5 - 6-7
Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #78 on: November 22, 2009, 08:31:19 PM »
Song: The Christmas Song
Chorded By:  Ferrente
Key Of:  C



C/EGB      Chestnuts
D/FAC      Roasting on and
E/GBD      Open Fire
C/EGB       Jack frost
G/FBbDC      Nipping
E/EBbDC      At your
F/EGAC       Nose
A/EGAC        Yule tide
Ab/FAbCD        Carols being
G/GCE          Sung
 /G            By
 /A             A
Gb/CEB           Choir
B/CEbGbA         And
E/BEbAb           Folks Dressed
F/CEbBb           Up
 /Ab              Like
 /G               Es-
 /F              -Ki-
D/CDG             -mos
G/AG              Ever-
 /F                -y
G/FACE             Bo-
GD/FGBD            -dy
C/EGB         knows some
D/FAC         Turkey and
E/GBD         mistletoe     
C/EGB            Helps to   
G/FBbDC        make the
E/EBbDC        season
F/EGAC            bright
A/EGAC              tiny       
Ab/FAbCD           tots with their
G/GCE               eyes
 /G                      all
 /A                       A                 
Gb/CEB                 Glow
B/CEbGbA            Will
E/BDG                 Find It
A/CEG                 Hard To
D/ACF              Sleep
GD/FGBD             To-
C/EGAC             -night
C/EGC               You Know That
GF/DFBb             Shanta
CE/DEGBb            Is On His
FC/ACEG             Way
GF/DFBb             Lots Of Toys And
CE/DEGBb            Goodies On His
CE/ACEG             Sleigh
CE/ACEG             And Every
FEb/CEbAb          Mother's
BbDF/CDFAb          Child
EbGBb/GBbDF          Tries To se If
A/GCD               Reideer Readly
Ab/GbCD              Know how to
G/FACE               Fly
C/EGB                And so I'm
D/FAC                Offering This Simple
E/GBD                Phrase
C/EGB                 To Kids From
G/FBbDC               One
C/EBbDC               To Ninety
F/EGAC                Two
A/EAC                 Although its
Ab/FAbCD              been said
G/GCE                 Ma-
 /G                    -ny
 /A                   times
Gb/CEB                  Many
B/CEbGbB               Ways
E/BDG                  Mer-ry
A/CEG                 Chris-mas
G/FGBD                   To
C/EGC                    you

Music Only This Part:



A/EAC                 Although its been said
Ab/FAbCD              Many
G/GCE                 Times
 /G                    Ma-
 /A                     -ny               
Gb/CEB                  ways
B/CEbGbB           Mer-ry
E/BDG               Chirst-
A/CEG               -Mas...             
D/ACF                 ....
G/FGBD                To   
C/EGC                    you

Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

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Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Reply #79 on: November 22, 2009, 08:35:30 PM »
The Christmas Song - Nat King Cole (HQ Audio)
Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.
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