Song: Joy To The World
By: Ferrente
C#/FAbC# Joy
/C To
/Bb The
C#/C#FAb World
F#/BbEbF# The
Ab/AbC#F Lord
Ab/F#CEb Has
C#/FAbC# Come
F/C#FAb Let
F#/C#F#Bb Earth
F#/C#F#Bb Re---
Ab/EbAbC ---ceive
Ab/EbAbC Her
C#/F#AbC# King--
C#/FAbC# ---ing
C#/FAbC# Let
C#/FAbC# Eve----
/C -------
C#/C#F#Bb --ry
C#/C#FAb Heart
C#/FAbC# pre---
C#/FAbC# --pare
C#/C#F#Bb Him
C#/C#F#Bb Room
C#/AbC#F And heaven and nature
C#/C#FAb Sing And
Ab/AbCEb Heaven and Nature
Ab/AbCEbF# Sing And
C#/FAbC# Heaven and
F/C#FAb Heaven
F#/BbEbF# And
Ab/AbC#F Na---
Ab/F#CEb ---ture
C#/FAbC# Sing