Just want to say hello to all....I have a few question concerning what types of songs to sing for A/B selection.....like what should be sung first....the slower song...praise....and then a worship song.....I was kinda pushed into the director's position....but have not a clue of how to even break down a song to people.....there is only 5 of us...but it makes it that much harder when you have resistence....you know....any suggestions......This question has been in my prayer for a while now, we were a bigger group, but even some of those that were giving me a really hard time....were moved....to another place......
Thanks for all advice in advance
Be Blessed
Hello, spices12.
If I got your question right, you're wondering what is better to sing first, the fast or the slow song? I'm not sure myself, I think a lot of times it depends on the atmosphere of the service -- sometimes it could be two slow songs, or two fast songs depending on how the spirit is moving. We had a preacher from Trinidad come and tell us that he didn't want a real hype song before the message, but that's his preference, some evangelists like to get up hype and then bring it down. So to answer your question, a lot of stuff works, you have to find what works for your ministry. You might talk to your pastor and ask him what are his preferences, he may be able to give you a good foundation to start with. That might help you with your people, too because now you have your Pastor's backing in what you're trying to do.